The Next Villains for The Dark Knight Part II?

Started by Joker89, Thu, 7 Aug 2008, 03:40

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I sort of like the idea of the Riddler doing the Zodiac killer thing of sending cyphers and encrypted messages to the media.  I don't like the idea of him being a video game designer though.  Still, I think his agenda should be confined to a specific company, or perhaps even the government (maybe he used to be a cryptologist or some such).

It's an idea.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 26 Dec  2008, 17:41
I sort of like the idea of the Riddler doing the Zodiac killer thing of sending cyphers and encrypted messages to the media.  I don't like the idea of him being a video game designer though.  Still, I think his agenda should be confined to a specific company, or perhaps even the government (maybe he used to be a cryptologist or some such).

It's an idea.
I totally agree with you Colors, thats pretty much in a nutshell would I would like to see The Riddler portrayed as if they decide to use him in a third film, which im pretty sure they will.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

I had a thought, how about Nygma is working for Wayne, and is fired via e-mail, and then goes an a rage to find and kill Wayne, and in the process turns the city's electricty off via Computer, leading to Batman finding Nygma and telling him he has 1 hour to turn the power on, or else.

So Nygma goes and gets a group of goons and sends a message to Batman telling him to come and clash heads with "The Riddler", leading to the final confrontation.

But, heres a story I've cooked up, its still quite blotchy at parts, but I think its believeable and also sets up for another film.

It starts with a car crash, the man crashes and goes face first through the windscreen, he then prepares to place his head on teh car front when it blows, throwing him backwards.

We are then put to a chase between the Batpod and the Police through the streets of Gotham, Batman finally gets away, blows up part of a small wall, beside a tunnel, and wallrides across it, kicks himself off of the wall, and lands on the road and continues the chase till he's away and then goes to the Harbour storage, starts to get out of the costume when theres a knock at the front, he goes out, sans mask, and before he completley opens the door, its kicked back into his face by a masked samuri, who then proceeds to have a quick battle with Batman, it ends with a quick cut to the leg of Batman and a kick to the face.
When Bruce comes to, he realises that he doesn't have his mask on, races back into the storage and places his mask on.

We then see the crash victim in hospital, and we hear whisper's of the name "Matt Hagen" coming from nurses and doctors.

The middle part isn't near structured, lol, but we do find out the following;
- Bruce Wayne fires Nygma by e-mail
- Nygma sets out to kill Wayne
- Hage is visited by Roland Dagget, and is given a type of chemial/cream which helps to re-structure Hagen's face, whcih he thinks is premenant
- Batman is again attacked by the Samuri and we find out that he knows Wayne, that he was one of his trainer's at the League of Shadows :o
- Nygma then tunrs the power off the City, stating that will be on when Bruce Wayne is no more
- The Batpod is destroyed, due to wear and tear
- The Police continue to search for Batman

Now, the ending
Batman finds Nygma and then thraetens him to turn the power on again, or else. Nygma is then broadcast on TV, and states that if Batman wants him, he knows where to find him, and this is the first time he uses the name Riddler, "Come and clash heads with the Riddler"
Batman goes to teh power station and quickly takes down the goons Riddler has grouped.
Batman then tells Nygma to turn the power on again, Nygma is away to, when suddenley a sharp opject is thrown into the Riddlers back, causeing him to stop, Batman turns around and finds the Samuri, they both remove their masks and begin the battle, just as the Samuri is about to kill Wayne, he gets shot in the shoulder by Nygma who says he wants to kill Wayne himself, Wayne then battles back against Nygma and knocks him down.
He goes back to teh Samuri, when Nygma takes the gun, and starts to rapidley fire into the wires which are connected to under the walkway in whick Batman/Samuri are fighting, the whole building is now in flames, sparks are flying, and Nygma is caught by a massive explostion from where he was firing at, killing him.
Batman and the samuri then have a smaller fight, in which Batman throws the samuri into burning wires at the side which burn the samuri's back, he then stares at Wayne, telling him that he could never kill, even if it was for the good, that was the difference between the two, and then he lets himelf fall into the fire, and sparking wires.

Batman then trys to revive Nygma to no avail, he then hears the cops and flee's.
Later we see Batman outside Gordans office (outside, not in the station) and explaining that he didn't kill either, and Gordan tells Batman that he won't kill Batman aslong as he is helping the people of Gotham

We then see Hagen go to Daggets plant, and trying to get a permanent supply Dagget repeatedly shoots Hagen, and then throws him into the chemical/cream, cue the credits.


Wat do you guys think, please forgive if tehre's spelling errors, that was a long type, lol

Thats a pretty long thought through response there sean, very interesting! ;D

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: DarkVengeance on Sat, 27 Dec  2008, 17:43
Thats a pretty long thought through response there sean, very interesting! ;D

Thanks, the Samuri is based of the one from B:TAS

Sat, 17 Jan 2009, 20:15 #175 Last Edit: Sat, 17 Jan 2009, 22:52 by The Batman Returns
Two-Face should definitely be in the next one. I would also like a supporting role for Michael Keaton. He should play one of the martial artists who taught Bruce Wayne while he trained in the U.S. in a flashback or something. I believe he should also be the one who inspires Bruce to put the Batman logo on the batsuit by showing him that people are most likely to go for the chest rather than the head. Bruce will use this to decrease the risk of being shot/stabbed in the head. And I really hope that there'll be a better batsuit, one that looks similar to the BATMAN or Returns suits. :)

Returns you like to double post alot dont you? I learned just editing my post is alot easier. I personally think Keaton shouldnt be involved with any new batman films, he is a legend in his own, leave him to his own legend and world with Batman, it could almost tarnish what he had created.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

When it comes to Keaton, I'd love to see a very small cameo (a cop with one line of dialogue? a guard? a thug?), the same way Marvel did with Hulk. On the other hand, it might be distracting and out of place so it's unlikely, but there's hoping.

Just because Heath Ledger is no longer around, doesn't necessarily mean the Joker for the next film needs to be compromised. I'm quite sure that if they were to cast someone else in the role they could be as good or even better than Ledger's. The Joker does not just belong to him.

Look at the casting of Ledger for TDK. At first, I was like "Oh my god, the kid from 10 Things I Hate About You and the gay cowboy from Brokeback Mountain is going to play the Joker??!!" but I saw it and thought he was great. Same with the casting of Michael Keaton for '89. People freaked out at first but he did excellent and alot, if not most, Bat-fans consider him THE Batman.

I think Two-Face should definitely return. And, if anything, Scarecrow should not be in the next film if he's just going to make a mindless cameo!