The Next Villains for The Dark Knight Part II?

Started by Joker89, Thu, 7 Aug 2008, 03:40

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They could even have Bane do what he's famous for and break Batmans back, the good part about Nolan's world is that he has Lucius so he would have somthing to help him.

Quote from: Sandman on Wed, 29 Oct  2008, 07:15
They could even have Bane do what he's famous for and break Batmans back, the good part about Nolan's world is that he has Lucius so he would have somthing to help him.
It would be another great challenge to see Batman go through on his journey!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

If they use the Catwoman I hope they cast Jennifer Garner because she reminds me of Julie Newmar.  :-*

Quote from: batass4880 on Sat,  1 Nov  2008, 02:21
If they use the Catwoman I hope they cast Jennifer Garner because she reminds me of Julie Newmar.  :-*
I wouldnt want that, it would only be treading on old ground, I want a new version of the character If I want to see Newmar's catwoman Ill go watch the old 60's tv show to see it, that would be boring, but thats just my take.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

That looks amazing, but what is that doing in here? Two Face is dead as a door nail. He aint coming back.

I actually thought Alicia Silverstone was sexy as Batgirl in the Batman & Robin film!  ;D Although I'm not suggesting there should ever be a Batgirl or even Robin in the new films. Side kicks are a big no no. I thought the whole point of Batman was that it's his own personal 'thing' and I prefer the idea of Batman working alone. 'THE AVENGER OF THE NIGHT'

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun,  2 Nov  2008, 12:10
That looks amazing, but what is that doing in here? Two Face is dead as a door nail. He aint coming back.
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...