The Next Villains for The Dark Knight Part II?

Started by Joker89, Thu, 7 Aug 2008, 03:40

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I highly doubt the studio will change anything, the film is the biggest film of the year, its Nolans personal cut of the film, nothing will be changed from theatrical to home video.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

George Lucas changed many things on the Revenge of the Sith DVD. Palpatine's vocal performance was re-mixed a couple of times. I think that Nolan will probably choose to re-mix the vocals of Christian Bale.
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

Quote from: Joker89 on Mon, 13 Oct  2008, 19:43
George Lucas changed many things on the Revenge of the Sith DVD. Palpatine's vocal performance was re-mixed a couple of times.

In case you're talking about the scene after Mace Windu's death, that's already been that way in the theatrical version. Here's a discussion interpreting the changing voice.

As far as I know, there is nothing different from the theatrical release, except maybe a couple of trimmed frames from one of Anakin's close-ups during the immolation, although that wasn't confirmed.

TPM had a couple of new scenes for the DVD (Anakin and Shmi before the race, 2nd Podrace lap, Coruscant Taxi) and AOTC had an extra line exchange during Anakin's confession of the Tusken Raider camp massacre to Padm? and it was made more obvious Jango Fett's Jet-Pack is damaged during his last few moments through added sparks.

Sorry for getting off topic.

I'm not sure Christopher Nolan would be open to remix the vocals of Christian Bale.
It might hurt their actor-director relationship, as Bale seems very determined on Batman's voice.

Quote from: Joker89 on Mon, 13 Oct  2008, 19:43
George Lucas changed many things on the Revenge of the Sith DVD. Palpatine's vocal performance was re-mixed a couple of times. I think that Nolan will probably choose to re-mix the vocals of Christian Bale.
what your thinking wont happen, Nolan is 100% sure of his cuts of his films, if you know his full film history, you'd know that!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

^ You're right, its a shame they won't change it though, its one of the weakest aspects of the film for me.

By the way If I hear Depp's name associated with anything Batman related again Im gonna kill someone, he's such an overrated actor, and could NEVER do anything near what Ledger came up with, sorry thats a reality.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

...But he already has with the OSCAR nominated Capt. Jack Sparrow ;D. And on top of that there is also Sweeney Todd, Secret Window, Blow, Sleepy Hollow and loads more.

Quote from: Sandman on Thu, 16 Oct  2008, 02:41
...But he already has with the OSCAR nominated Capt. Jack Sparrow ;D. And on top of that there is also Sweeney Todd, Secret Window, Blow, Sleepy Hollow and loads more.
Jack Sparrow is an overrated character, I dont like it one bit, and I think that trilogy is pretty crappy. Sweeney Todd, Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Blow Sleep Hollow are all amazing films, and I like his portrayals but those Pirated movies are pure crap to me, the first one was a "decent film" the other two, disney garbage.

I dont care what awards an actors won, thats a bunch of stuff shirt stuck up critics choosing who they think is good, why should I care about their opinion?

Their opinions dont make me think one way or another about a specific film or portrayal of a character, I dont really care what they have to say.

Johnny Depp is overrated!!!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

I like Depp. I love Jack Sparrow. Different strokes I guess, but thats okay, if we all agree then things would be really boring.

Having said that, I also dont care to see Depp in a Batman movie.

Quote from: shadowbat69 on Sun, 19 Oct  2008, 01:34
I like Depp. I love Jack Sparrow. Different strokes I guess, but thats okay, if we all agree then things would be really boring.

Having said that, I also dont care to see Depp in a Batman movie.

Thats what Im really saying deep down, I just dont see it happening nor do I care personally! :D

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.