The Next Villains for The Dark Knight Part II?

Started by Joker89, Thu, 7 Aug 2008, 03:40

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Thu, 18 Sep 2008, 14:39 #60 Last Edit: Thu, 18 Sep 2008, 22:18 by Joker89
Since Nolan wanted to bring The Joker back for the sequel, I'm sure he would have no problem giving another actor the opportunity of filling in for Heath Ledger. After Katie Holmes was replaced.

My guess he would definately bring in Johnny Depp as a replacement. Simply because Johnny Depp is very similar to Heath Ledger, and I think he could actually pull it off.

New casting for The Dark Knight Returns

Bruce Wayne/Batman-Christian Bale
The Joker-Johnny Depp
Alfred-Michael Caine
The Riddler-Tim Roth
Selina Kyle/Catwoman-Jessica Biel
Commissioner Gordon-Gary Oldman
The Scarecrow-Cillian Murphy
Carmine Falcone-Tom Wilkinson
Lucius Fox-Morgan Freeman
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

I thought Goyer said in a recent interview they never had any intention on using Joker past this film? That they told his story, and that was that.

Maybe so. But it looked as if they intentionally left The Joker alive in the film, instead of killing him off, so that they could use him in the sequel.
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

New casting for The Dark Knight Returns

Bruce Wayne/Batman-Christian Bale
The Joker-Johnny Depp
Alfred-Michael Caine
The Riddler-Tim Roth
Selina Kyle/Catwoman-Jessica Biel
Commissioner Gordon-Gary Oldman
The Scarecrow-Cillian Murphy
Carmine Falcone-Tom Wilkinson
Lucius Fox-Morgan Freeman

That's a awesome idea Tim Roth would make an exellent Riddler, smart thinking ;).

I hope nolen doesn't use the name The Dark Knight Returns unless for it to be a movie based on the GN, and if a movie like that is going to be made i SHOULD have Burton and Keaton

Tim Roth was my first choice for the Riddler character, but when the everyone started hyping Johnny Depp for the part I forgot about Tim Roth and went with Depp as The Riddler. Now I change my mind, and think that Depp would be a wonderful replacement Joker. Roth would have a great chemistry with Bale. I'm not sure who will be playing Catwoman but I think Jessica Biel would be really smokin' hot in a Catwoman outfit(she was actually dressed as catwoman in I Now Pronounce you, Chuck & Larry).

"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

Quote from: Joker89 on Thu, 18 Sep  2008, 22:19
Maybe so. But it looked as if they intentionally left The Joker alive in the film, instead of killing him off, so that they could use him in the sequel.
they probably just didnt want to make a mistake by killing him off like Burton did in 89.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

I'm also sure they did it so they could bring Ledger back for the next film.
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

QuoteI'm also sure they did it so they could bring Ledger back for the next film.

I don't know i remember there being a whole thing when Heath Ledger died abut Nolan changing the ending around and shooting new scenes, mabye Ledger was going to come back for the 3rd movie?.

Quotethey probably just didnt want to make a mistake by killing him off like Burton did in 89.

Once again...Nolan had everything Burton didn't when he made his movies, Batman had already been taken seriously in live action movies and people know of him as a serious character as when Burton made his movies everyone pretty much knew Batman as a campy tv character, Nolan had 16 years of special effects upgrades and probley the most important thing nolan had a guaranteed sequal which is somthing Tim Burton never got, so not wanting to leave an open ending to a movie that no one had any idea would flop or not they killed The Joker.

All the past films, except B&R that have had 2 villians have killed one and kept one.

Who would you rather see die - Two Face or The Joker?

Depends if it's Tommy Lee Jones Two-Face i'd kill him myself.