The Next Villains for The Dark Knight Part II?

Started by Joker89, Thu, 7 Aug 2008, 03:40

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Quote from: Batmoney on Mon,  2 Aug  2010, 21:03
I honestly think that of all the Batman villains, Bane fits into Nolan's world as good as any.
You would think a big guy with muscles would be no problem. Right? Well, they couldn't have him like in the comics. In the comics the venom serum inflates him immediately. Steroids are not going to do that to you. The effects are going to take some time to kick in. If they were to do Bane, I'd have him already on the scene, already highly muscular. Probably without any exlanation. Or I'd just wait until Nolan's gone, and ditch these ridiculous restrictions.

You want real villians, I tell you who I want;


Can you imagine a Nolan version of Condiment King? I can.  ;D

Burton had Kim Basinger and Michelle Pfeiffer.
Schumacher had Nicole Kidman , Elle McPherson and Uma Thurman.

Nolan had Katie Holmes/Maggue Gylenhaal. Yawn.

Nolan's DMC's (dull mechanical chores) lack sex appeal. They really need to sort that aspect out for Batman 3. If they bring in Catwoman, she has to be intimidatingly HOT and powerful.

I don't want to have some dull Katie Holmes/Maggie Gyllenhaal type where they politely emphasise how much of a good actress they are.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 15 Aug  2010, 10:27
Burton had Kim Basinger and Michelle Pfeiffer.
Schumacher had Nicole Kidman , Elle McPherson and Uma Thurman.

Nolan had Katie Holmes/Maggue Gylenhaal. Yawn.

Nolan's DMC's (dull mechanical chores) lack sex appeal. They really need to sort that aspect out for Batman 3. If they bring in Catwoman, she has to be intimidatingly HOT and powerful.

I don't want to have some dull Katie Holmes/Maggie Gyllenhaal type where they politely emphasise how much of a good actress they are.

Exactly.  Pfeiffer and Kidman have proven themselves to be superb actresses whlilst also exuding old-fashioned sex appeal.  Holmes by contrast is pretty but rather wan.  To be fair though and irrespective of Nolan's 'realistic', less clearly 'comic-book' world, Rachel Dawes was never conceived as a sexy glamourpuss-type character.  However, for Catwoman, Nolan definitely needs to look for someone who is more of the classic beauty and like you suggest, has a bit more of a spark to their personalities.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

With no Riddler, I am really hoping for Hugo Strange. Played by Robin Williams. That would rock.

Tue, 30 Nov 2010, 00:37 #247 Last Edit: Tue, 30 Nov 2010, 00:40 by Bat-Mayun
Hugo Strange is a versatile, classic and interesting Batman foe. He is also quite possibly my all-time favorite Batman villain.

He predates the Joker at Batman's first arch-nemesis, and he invented fear toxin before the Scarecrow ever came along. He exploits Batman's secret identity in ways Ra's al Ghul never dared, attacking Batman in ways that Hush and Dr. Hurt would later try to less success. He even pulled a Kingpin-style tear-down on Bruce exactly one month before Daredevil: Born Again was released, and had already beaten Kraven in the plot to kill his enemy and usurp his identity.

He's made only a handful of appearances, two of which are considered among the greatest Batman stories of all time. By all accounts, he should be Batman's greatest enemy, and yet he resides in obscurity.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 28 Oct  2010, 14:51
With no Riddler, I am really hoping for Hugo Strange. Played by Robin Williams. That would rock.

Tom Hardy should play Strange. Here's a photo manipulation of Hardy as Strange.

That's a great manip of Hardy as Hugo Strange Bat-Mayum, but I'm not as enthusiastic about seeing him play this character as you are.

I just feel that the whole evil psychiatrist/psychologist character was already done with The Scarecrow and I can see the whole 'expose Batman's true identity' plotline working with almost any of Batman's 'Rogues Gallery' including the aforementioned Scarecrow, who is presumably still alive and has a grudge against Batman.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Tue, 30 Nov  2010, 01:57
I just feel that the whole evil psychiatrist/psychologist character was already done with The Scarecrow and I can see the whole 'expose Batman's true identity' plotline working with almost any of Batman's 'Rogues Gallery' including the aforementioned Scarecrow, who is presumably still alive and has a grudge against Batman.
I agree. I don't like where Batman is going with all of the creative limitations on it. We're reduced to a bald headed nut (I'm not talking about ral this time). While I'm down with Robin Williams playing Strange, I would largely prefer a straight up theatrical villain like The Riddler. These films are spectacles - not boring spectacles that Hugo Strange wears.