The Next Villains for The Dark Knight Part II?

Started by Joker89, Thu, 7 Aug 2008, 03:40

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The whole thing about venom is that it enhances someone's physical strength to almost superhuman levels immediately, whereas regular steroids need a lot more time to really kick in.  Intelligence, cunning and venom are Bane's shtick.  Hey, you want to change him from a South American to Los Angeles native?  Go for it.  You want to get rid of his little lackeys and make him into a hitman for hire like BTAS?  Knock yourself out.  But the character is what it is and changing it for "realism" kinda defeats the entire point.

Who said anything about "regular" sterioids? That fact that Venom is nothing more than a super steriod is "real" enough. Just like a poder that "immediately" causes a person to have intense visions of their phobia. C'mon, you act as if you want nothing more than the comic book incarnations of the characters, which is fine, but you wont get them in Nolans movies. They will have to be tweaked and changed a bit, which is what we're trying to figure out.

Bane has a shot at working pretty well.

Remember, any character they get has to be able to go on long winded monologues, so make sure you ake that into account when thinking of the next batch of villains or villain.

I think they'll most likely go with the Riddler.

Bane could do that. Remember, in the comics, Bane is highly intelligent.

MY main point I was attempting to make is that I like Bane as a character and would LOVE to see him in one of the upcoming Nolan films, even if they tweak him, it dosent bother me personally a bit.

I feel that if we did possibly get Bane only as a minor character, we could finally get Bats to have an iconic memorable fight scene, or more.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Mon, 27 Oct 2008, 18:49 #105 Last Edit: Mon, 27 Oct 2008, 18:53 by Gotham Knight
Quote from: shadowbat69 on Mon, 27 Oct  2008, 17:16
Bane could do that. Remember, in the comics, Bane is highly intelligent.

I didn't say he wasn't, that doesn't mean even as intellegent character that he'd look good babbling constantly, so I'm afraid i have to disagree. The Riddler on the other hand....

Well you could always make Bane a secondery Villian like Scarecrow was in BB, this would work better since there's no reason for him to be in Gotham unless just to take out Batman and if it's that then there just remaking the Joker plot.

Nolan could rip off some more idea's and go with the Universal Soldier rout, instead of having his Venom just change it to a gov. made super steriod that he has stolen or has been stolen for him that he needs to inject himself with to make himself stronger.

But they should also make him in great shape to start with instead of that B&R shrinking to a twig without the Venom, and he has to be highly intelligent esp for a nolan film which has as very well put by Gotham Knight has "long winded monologues".

Pretty much like the super soldier serum used in the recently released Hulk film, that Abomination is on and takes it too far with it, I think that could work very well!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Tue, 28 Oct 2008, 23:32 #108 Last Edit: Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 07:11 by Sandman
YEAH, i was gonna say somthing about Blonsky before, but yea that works well it also give Bane abit of a story if he goes out of contorl because of the serum.

Quote from: Sandman on Tue, 28 Oct  2008, 23:32
YEAH, i was gonna say somthign about Blonsky before, but yea that works well it also give Bane abit of a story if he goes out of contorl because of the serum.
I totally agree on that one!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.