Burton references in Animated series

Started by shadowbat69, Sun, 11 Nov 2007, 17:35

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Hey GothamAlleys, that is some excellent research on the influence of the Burton films on the animated series. Batman fans really love their character and movies. Bravo to you sir and all those who contributed.


Quote from: GothamAlleys on Mon, 31 Jan  2011, 22:08
Thanks! I just updated it with more
Absolutely brilliant blog GothamAlleys.  I particularly like the screencap comparisons.  Keep it up!
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

GothamAlleys, I just want to say that your blog is incredible. Very well researched and explained. And the pictures you use to compare similarities are spot on each time. One of the best Batman websites on the internet. You deserve way more recognition.

This blog will be bookmarked forever. Excellent work GothamAlleys!

I always thought it was interesting that the end credits music was two parts of the Batman '89 score. The first was taken from the Batmobile Charge cue and the second was from the Batwing III cue.

The episode 'The Mechanic' is almost one big reference to Batman Returns. Batman is chasing the Penguin and gets his car smashed up, Penguin finds Batman's repairman, and forces him to rig it. The references? Well, Penguin can now control the Batmobile with a remote control. The Penguin's duck also appears, but only as a leftover attraction from an amusement park... pretty much what his original duck vehicle was.