Sexuality in Forever

Started by Paul (ral), Mon, 4 Aug 2008, 22:29

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Just read some interesting statements regarding Forever.

Bob Kane didn't like the nipples on the Bat-suits

Schumacher was asked NOT to film Bat-butts. The shots were filmed and kept in when 400 women at a test screening screamed and cheered at the shots.

A screen test with 400 women? Where were we?  ;)

I think that if someone keeps an archive of articles/interviews etc. it can be verified that it was Schumacher's idea. He has been quoted as saying that he wanted a more MTV, "edgier" and pop feel, part of which was also Robin's pierced ear as well as the "anatomically correct" suits with nipples.

Quote from: silenig on Tue,  5 Aug  2008, 10:28
A screen test with 400 women? Where were we?  ;)

I think that if someone keeps an archive of articles/interviews etc. it can be verified that it was Schumacher's idea. He has been quoted as saying that he wanted a more MTV, "edgier" and pop feel, part of which was also Robin's pierced ear as well as the "anatomically correct" suits with nipples.

Anatomically correct ok but it was still a silly idea. And what does butt-shots and gaint cod-peaces have todo with being edgier?.

Tue, 5 Aug 2008, 11:51 #3 Last Edit: Tue, 5 Aug 2008, 11:55 by silenig
Nobody is defending these choices :)

Maybe he had a sexy Batman in mind to be enjoyed by the MTV crowd apart from merchandisers and execs. MTV people that wouldn't be caught dead holding a comic book. That's what he probably meant.

After all, Schumacher is the guy who said "get out more" or "get a life" (both quoted in interviews) to fans of a darker Batman.

Considering his background, these comments and these choices are not unexpected. Burton has always been an artist "looking at the stars", Schumacher belongs mostly in the "gutter", and that's fine, the game is played in the "gutter", and someone needs both to have a complete view. (I borrowed a little from Oscar Wilde, lol)

Quote from: silenig on Tue,  5 Aug  2008, 10:28
I think that if someone keeps an archive of articles/interviews etc. it can be verified that it was Schumacher's idea.

erm,  ;)

I will be adding some forever articles in the near future.  Currently getting some returns ones cleaned up.

Tue, 5 Aug 2008, 22:17 #5 Last Edit: Tue, 5 Aug 2008, 22:20 by silenig
I know how these things work with hobbies. Real life calls, and we don't have time to answer the... "batsignal" very often anymore :) We're trillionaire playboys in name only :P

Thu, 7 Aug 2008, 12:01 #7 Last Edit: Thu, 7 Aug 2008, 12:05 by The Dark Knight
The bat nipples were awful. As were the butt shots. Totally un-neccessary, and totally un-Batman.

The only sexuality that I liked in Forever was Nicole Kidman. Especially the excellent shots of Chase wrapped in the bed sheets. ;D

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu,  7 Aug  2008, 12:01
The bat nipples were awful. As were the butt shots. Totally un-neccessary, and totally un-Batman.

LOL You thought the 2 or 3 Bat-Butt-shots were bad what about B&R that movie had more Butt-shot then Clooney had lines.

QuoteThe only sexuality that I liked in Forever was Nicole Kidman. Especially the excellent shots of Chase wrapped in the bed sheets. ;D

YES!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sexual for women turned on by "anatomically correct" rubber and PVC outfits maybe