The Dark Knight Criticism

Started by Azrael, Thu, 31 Jul 2008, 12:09

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Some interesting points there, I think what Nolan was trying to say was what The Joker said "I'm an agent of chaos". That was probably Nolan's motivation. Just chaos. The funny thing about Nolan and Burton is that Burton doesn't have to explain everything in his Batman films, we saw the nuances of the characters, both hero and villains, just through either an image or great acting. With Nolan he sees the need to explain everything especially with dialogue.

For the most part Nolan's vision works but by not getting into a little bit at least of the Joker and his past, he actually negates some of the mystery behind the Joker.

Just a point, since someone mentioned about the mystery of the Joker.

To me the Joker is NOT a mystery. As a Batman fan, I know where he came from, just like I know the origin of Batman.

But in the context of movies - the audience knows where Batman came from, but the characters in the film dont.....

So, again, in the context of Burtons Batman, and the mystery of the Joker, we the audience know where the Joker came from in that movie. As Batman fans we know his origin anyway. But the beauty of Burtons Batman is that the CHARACTERS dont know where he came from (apart from Bruce Wayne). I like that in that film, does  it really matter whether there is mystery for the audience!!???

I love the last scene with the Joker when hes laying dead on the cathedral steps. You can hear the laugjing bag. The police and commishioner Gordan close in. Gordon kneels beside him, and gives the dead, still smiling Joker, a look of 'Is he still alive? - Why is he still smiling?' Its creepy!! Then he lifts out the damaged laughing bag! CLASSIC!

Wed, 21 Jan 2009, 22:28 #62 Last Edit: Sun, 15 Feb 2009, 21:27 by The Batman Returns
Quote from: Joker81 on Wed, 21 Jan  2009, 21:57
I love the last scene with the Joker when hes laying dead on the cathedral steps. You can hear the laugjing bag. The police and commishioner Gordan close in. Gordon kneels beside him, and gives the dead, still smiling Joker, a look of 'Is he still alive? - Why is he still smiling?' Its creepy!! Then he lifts out the damaged laughing bag! CLASSIC!

Agreed. I think we can all say that the Joker had the last laugh LOL! ;D

Wed, 21 Jan 2009, 22:39 #63 Last Edit: Thu, 22 Jan 2009, 02:49 by Sandman
Quote from: Joker81 on Wed, 21 Jan  2009, 15:38
thecoloursblend, I also agree with you. I am a fan of The Dark Knight, but, it is when people say it is the greatest film ever made, and its very smart and more mature and realistic than other Batman films, thats when the truth has to be told, and the backlash begins.

The people that say these things need to be put in their place. And just because Ledger wins an oscar (which he will) doesnt make it a better film, or best 'superhero/comic' movie!

I know what you mean, It is for the most part a smart and mature movie, but it's in such a hype that people will think it's the greatest film before they even see it. But what i hate the most are the people that work for TV and Newspapers saying sh*t about Burton, Keaton And Nicholson when they know nothing of Batman and thats what makes the problem worse.

People that know nothing of Batman hear this and belive it like its a freaking fact, take for example i went off at a friend of mine the other day for bagging out Nicholson in favor of Ledger and this is a guy that knows nothing of Batman the only thing he has ever seen is The Dark Knight but he heard everyone else bagging out Burton's movies in favor of Nolan and thought it was the correct thing todo.

And as for Heath's Oscar it sadly is going to happen and once that card is read it will be the end for Tim Burton's Batman.... and it will be offical the Oscar's are full of S***.

Quote from: The Batman Returns on Wed, 21 Jan  2009, 22:28
"I love the last scene with the Joker when hes laying dead on the cathedral steps. You can hear the laugjing bag. The police and commishioner Gordan close in. Gordon kneels beside him, and gives the dead, still smiling Joker, a look of 'Is he still alive? - Why is he still smiling?' Its creepy!! Then he lifts out the damaged laughing bag! CLASSIC!"
Agreed. I think we can all say that the Joker had the last laugh LOL! ;D

Same. God i love this movie Keaton, Nicholson, EVERYONE was just perfect in it. It can't be explained everything about it is just great.  ;).

The Golden Globes are not always an indication of who will win Oscars.

Remember Jim Carrey won a Best Actor Golden Globe for "Man on the Moon" but didn't even get an Oscar nomination!

Oh, I wasnt saying that The Dark Knight was smart or  mature, I actually meant the opposite, but what I am saying is I like it!! But I hate when people make it out to be something it is not!!

It is an action adventure popcorn summer blockbuster!!

I avoided all the spoilers for TDK because I wanted to be surprised when I seen it opening night in the cinema, and I can honestly say, all the plots, twists and turns were predictable and I seen them coming a mile off. It wasnt that clever or smart IMO. And some of the plot points were convienient and unrealistic.

Although the new age fan-boys won't admit it, TDK actually just makes a more eccentric use of the idiot plot. There is nothing wrong with that, but it obviously doesn't spell out the recipe for this amazing twisting crime drama.

Well if anything it just insults the intellegence of the audience lol

I take it for what it is , a fun fantasy action film. Thats how I ednjoy it.

I dont take that particular film too seriously.

I feel the same way i hardly knew any of The Dark Knight before seeing it and although i did enjoy it as a Batman movie i found it to be very full of itself if that makes sense?. Just because it had alot of "intelligent words" doesn't make it a better movie, half of those 10 min rants Batman and Joker went on about made no sense.

I think the hype of the movie, Batman Begins following and Heath Ledger's death had alot todo with the movie's popularity and even Nolan might be starting to believe his own hype, i don't know why but that whole Joker falling of the edge laughing instead of screaming and Batman catching him felt like a great BIG FU! to Burton.

lol, thats an insult to Heat, a proper crime/drama thriller / adult film.

Yeah I agree sandman, I found alot of that Burton FU stuff, even in Begins. There was a lot of things he done in Begins and TDK, which I felt he was trying to outdo Burton, like he was saying 'This is how I would do it' or 'I can do it better' etc.