The Dark Knight Criticism

Started by Azrael, Thu, 31 Jul 2008, 12:09

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Bales Batman voice was terrible imo it was like a singer singing out of tune, no consistency so sounded completely fake.

The argument that he is changing his voice to hide his identity is stupid too "its like it would be in real life" they cry so jumping off buildings, taking down multiple foes and feats of strength that are physically impossible is real for you? give me a break.

would the whole premise of him as batman be completely ruined for the viewer if he spoke normally? no and we all know it.

This is my problem with Nolans batman theres no mystery to him far to much is told to the viewer in speech and actions so batman isnt some elemental voice who appears and dissapears but a really angry guy in a suit.

Tue, 2 Jun 2009, 11:36 #141 Last Edit: Tue, 2 Jun 2009, 11:46 by The Dark Knight
No it's not stupid.

And the reasons you cite are absolutely weak, which have nothing to do with his voice at all.

It makes perfect sense for Bruce Wayne to hide his voice. We don't want him to get around like Clooney, who didn't change his Batman voice at all -  who just used his Bruce voice.

Apart from knowing who the guy is, I wouldn't be intimidated by him at all. The premise can be ruined and has been in the past.

When he's in the suit, he transforms into this animalistic alter-ego.

Get real, mate.

But why bother to hide his voice in the movie would the movie lose all credibility to you if he had a normal voice or at least one that wasnt so inconsistent?

No offence to you but Your trying to rationalise as if it was real rather then the fantasy of a movie where it doesnt matter and wouldnt influence the storyline one iota and has created the major flaw people see with Bales batman.

And the if an animalistic alter ego is your perfect batman thats fine but i personally prefer the cold logic, intelligence, and obsession of the comic,BTAS,Burton where you saw a batman who i feel was far more intelligent and focused in his obsession to protect gotham in comparison to TDK where he really seemed an angry bruce wayne running about gotham while Joker dictated everything it seems Bales bats only answer to the chaos was to try to intimidate and scream his way to a resolution.

Sorry but bale as batman was one of the weak points of the film imo.

Tue, 2 Jun 2009, 15:38 #143 Last Edit: Tue, 2 Jun 2009, 15:40 by The Dark Knight
Batman should have a different voice. Period.

Keaton understood that, and Bale's doing his own version of that without copying. In a realistic setting, it's even more important to understand that.

He can not use his normal Bruce Wayne voice while in the suit. People would know who he is, that's why he hides his voice. Apart from the fact that Batman and Bruce Wayne essentially are two different characters. It's very simple to understand, yet you fail to grasp that. I can't say it any other way.

If Bale did not alter his voice in any way in the suit, spoke just like Bruce Wayne, it would be disgraceful.

And I find reading your posts difficult. Improve your grammar - use full stops, they are your friend.

Tue, 2 Jun 2009, 15:41 #144 Last Edit: Tue, 2 Jun 2009, 15:44 by silenig
It's just that this "extrapolated" voice is almost as over the top as Doug Bradley's (processed) "voice" in Hellraiser. It is an, at times, cheesy element of the film (one could say the same about many things in other comic book movies). But it's alright, I like it.

You are spot on when you say that the voice has to be different, the problem is the way in which it was done.

Well, you've at least got to admit it's better than Clooney's laziness of not changing his voice at all.

Well, George Clooney was simply playing George Clooney with a Batsuit in THAT... *ahem* "film".  ;D

Tue, 2 Jun 2009, 16:20 #147 Last Edit: Tue, 2 Jun 2009, 16:34 by Dark Knight Detective
Quote from: silenig on Tue,  2 Jun  2009, 15:41
You are spot on when you say that the voice has to be different, the problem is the way in which it was done.


Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue,  2 Jun  2009, 15:44
Well, you've at least got to admit it's better than Clooney's laziness of not changing his voice at all.

Quote from: silenig on Tue,  2 Jun  2009, 15:48
Well, George Clooney was simply playing George Clooney with a Batsuit in THAT... *ahem* "film".  ;D

Guess we should blame Joel for not saying anything about it...

Quote from: silenig on Tue,  2 Jun  2009, 15:48
Well, George Clooney was simply playing George Clooney with a Batsuit in THAT... *ahem* "film".  ;D


"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Tue,  2 Jun  2009, 16:20
Guess we should blame Joel for not saying anything about it...

Schumacher's direction just got really horrid during B&R.

John Glover quoting Joel in the B&R SE by saying that before every take, Joel would announce, "Now remember, folks. It's a cartoon!" tells me all that I really need to know.  ::)

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."