The Dark Knight Criticism

Started by Azrael, Thu, 31 Jul 2008, 12:09

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Quote from: Batnar on Fri,  8 May  2009, 01:54
I wish they hired Reevz to do the sculpts for the cowls. Reevz can make some pretty mean looking Batman cowls, snarls and everything heh.  ;)

Yep, hire him, & we could see a real Batman suit return to theaters! ;D

I love Lucious Fox and his partnership with Batman, but please please please, no more techno-gadget futuristic military bat-suits with oversized heads and weirdo neck pads in the new film. I'm hoping that seeing as it looks like they are gonna re-create the batmobile, they should make a whole new suit design to go with it. The suit needs to be aesthetically pleasing and practical in an imaginary sense, it doesn't have to be the real thing, or look like the "real thing". Please, you can tell us it's bulletproof, we will believe it. You can tell us you can move your head, WE WILL BELIEVE IT!

Quote from: Batmoney on Fri,  8 May  2009, 06:18
The suit needs to be aesthetically pleasing and practical in an imaginary sense, it doesn't have to be the real thing, or look like the "real thing". Please, you can tell us it's bulletproof, we will believe it. You can tell us you can move your head, WE WILL BELIEVE IT!


Quote from: Batmoney on Fri,  8 May  2009, 06:18
I love Lucious Fox and his partnership with Batman, but please please please, no more techno-gadget futuristic military bat-suits with oversized heads and weirdo neck pads in the new film. I'm hoping that seeing as it looks like they are gonna re-create the batmobile, they should make a whole new suit design to go with it. The suit needs to be aesthetically pleasing and practical in an imaginary sense, it doesn't have to be the real thing, or look like the "real thing". Please, you can tell us it's bulletproof, we will believe it. You can tell us you can move your head, WE WILL BELIEVE IT!

Yes indeed!

Agree on those points, folks. A piece of dialogue is all it needs to sell the product, not making the thing into Robo Bat just for 'realism'. The Burton batsuits were bulletproof anyway, as showcased in the opening scene of Batman89.

The Burton suits are the best in the franchise, just because he can't turn his head in them doesn't make them inferior at all. They look slick and Keaton moves like an animal in them.

I totally agree with most points about the batsuit. The TDK suit for me is plain ugly, no explanations needed. Just see the jaw. His head looks like the Adam West Batman.

If you remove the ears and the cowl, it would be a fine outfit for a "Running Man" or "Smash TV" type of future sports (Batman's "I don't wear Hokey pads" line is pretty ironic as his own suit looks like a Rugby/American Football outfit).

Quote from: silenig on Sat,  9 May  2009, 15:04
(Batman's "I don't wear Hokey pads" line is pretty ironic as his own suit looks like a Rugby/American Football outfit).
Good point. I really hate that line as is. Batman doesn't need to justify himself to anybody. He should have walked away and driven off in silence.

Quote from: silenig on Sat,  9 May  2009, 15:04
If you remove the ears and the cowl, it would be a fine outfit for a "Running Man" or "Smash TV" type of future sports (Batman's "I don't wear Hokey pads" line is pretty ironic as his own suit looks like a Rugby/American Football outfit).


Let's just hope that the costume designers will make Batman a suit that will actually make him look like a bat. We don't need him to look like he's a part of a S.W.A.T. team, now...

I couldn't tell if he was saying "pads" or "masks" the first couple of times I saw that scene.

Quote from: Batmoney on Sat,  9 May  2009, 17:05
I couldn't tell if he was saying "pads" or "masks" the first couple of times I saw that scene.

I've read people say that they couldn't understand what Bale is saying in this bit: (Keaton makes a cameo, too)