An oscar for Heath Ledger !!

Started by nicoacc, Sun, 27 Jul 2008, 23:05

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Bravo!!!, I really think this wonderful actor has left us one of the most amazing performances in the history of films, Heath Ledger has captured a very attractive and powerful aspect of the Joker's character, he left everything on the set, his oustanding performance should really be rewarded with the OSCAR.
Guys, I appreciate your thoughts and God bless you all Batman fans around the world !  :)
I made you...but you made me first !

Yes he was exellent and nothing short of that....but Oscar worthy i just don't think so. I have seen so many better performance's that didn't get the Oscar, so for him to get one would make me believe it's because of his death and the Dark Kight Hype.

I think he deserves an Oscar as well. He truly stands out in the film, and he's basically the reason why TDK is such a sucess. You also have to remember Heath Ledger was an Australian actor. He pulled off 2 accents at the same time. While delivering mesmerizing dialogue, and characteristics of the Joker we have never seen before.
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

Quote from: Joker89 on Wed, 30 Jul  2008, 20:54
I think he deserves an Oscar as well. He truly stands out in the film, and he's basically the reason why TDK is such a sucess. You also have to remember Heath Ledger was an Australian actor. He pulled off 2 accents at the same time. While delivering mesmerizing dialogue, and characteristics of the Joker we have never seen before.
Indeed. In his message to the mob at the start of the film, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He just came out of nowhere, had this amazing power about him and then he left. He was incredible to watch on screen. It is a tragedy he will never reprise the role.

A young 29 year old actor that dies tragically before his prime while immersing himself in a totally "out-there" role. However, he nailed the part.

This is the first time ever there is Oscar talk for acting in a COMIC BOOK film.


I hope he gets a posthumus nomination. There will surely be better performances this season in more oscaristic films (there's many months ahead), but I seriously hope he is considered.

He will most definately be nominated for "Best Actor" when the Oscars roll around, but theres no guarentee that he will win the award. Only time will tell.
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

I thought he was excellent in the role. But not oscar worthy.

Although I am not a fan of the Oscars, better performances have been snubbed.

Some cant help think that this Oscar call is partly because he died, a sympothy vote.

Me, myself would be very jubious if Ledger won, not only for the sympothy vote, but because there has been an internet campaign by Nolanites and anti Nicholson and Burton fans for him to win the oscar since the first teaser trailer!!! Many months before the film was released.

For this I am very synical about the whole Oscar thing. Its so fake, how can anyone take it serious if he wins? (why so serious lol)
Its a fad.

And why do people keep going on about Ledger's looks and the fact he changed his manorism's and voice to become his character. Of course its great, but why use that as a reason to win the oscar.

Loads of actors have done this and dont even get nominated!

Quote from: Joker81 on Thu,  7 Aug  2008, 20:21
Me, myself would be very jubious if Ledger won, not only for the sympothy vote, but because there has been an internet campaign by Nolanites and anti Nicholson and Burton fans for him to win the oscar since the first teaser trailer!!! Many months before the film was released.
I never understood the phenomenon myself.  Right from the start, the Nolanites were in a frenzy over a whoppin' two lines of dialogue from Ledger.

QuoteIts a fad.
Mass hysteria is more like it.

Quote from: Joker81 on Thu,  7 Aug  2008, 20:21
I thought he was excellent in the role. But not oscar worthy.

Although I am not a fan of the Oscars, better performances have been snubbed.

Some cant help think that this Oscar call is partly because he died, a sympothy vote.

Me, myself would be very jubious if Ledger won, not only for the sympothy vote, but because there has been an internet campaign by Nolanites and anti Nicholson and Burton fans for him to win the oscar since the first teaser trailer!!! Many months before the film was released.

For this I am very synical about the whole Oscar thing. Its so fake, how can anyone take it serious if he wins? (why so serious lol)
Its a fad.

I agree now im not saying that Ledger did bad or but i still don't think it was Oscar worthy. Now im not saying this because i perfer the Burton movies i mean im Heath Ledgers biggest fan but even i will say that the whole Oscar thing has come around as a result of his death  along with alot of anoying what i like to call HypeFans.

As for the Oscars i really don't pay any attention to them anymore it's just become BS like most others. To many great performances getting snubbed for ones that are more popular.

Quote from: Joker81 on Thu,  7 Aug  2008, 20:26
And why do people keep going on about Ledger's looks and the fact he changed his manorism's and voice to become his character.

Yes its called acting most of them do it. I guess those Nolanites don't watch many movies or they'd know that