What Would B89 and Returns be like if Schumacher had done them

Started by BatmanForever, Fri, 25 Jul 2008, 13:37

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Here's the sequel to my last topic " What Would Forever & B&R be like if Burton had directed them"
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Fear Me, Im Back

hmm, interesting topic. I have never thought about that before.

Perhaps B89 would have been more like Millar's Year One, as Schumacher apparently wanted to adapt it.

Would it have been campy?  Perhaps not.  Uslan and Peters would have been directly involved.  No Batchlers or Goldsman either.

We wouldn't have had Keaton though, but perhaps a more interested Kilmer.

God awful. I like the Burton films as they are, Schumacher would have butchered them.

Schumacher already did butcher them well everything they stood for.

Yeah, but what if Schumacher didn't have Burton's to reference from.  His may have been serious.

As i said, remember Peters and Uslan were directly involved and they wanted a serious take.

Schumacher is openly homosexual, has lived a fairly "fast" lifestyle and has seen his share of real world things from a young age, compared to reclusive artist Tim Burton. Schumacher has always been more like a hip guy of the real world, while Tim Burton is one of the artists that live a lot of their lives through their imagination and things they create. The first group are usually happier and forgotten when they die, the second live smaller lives but, if succesful, usually leave a legacy (like H.P. Lovecraft or R. E. Howard, who lead somewhat fragmented and short lives but their creations and their name far outlived them).

So, it's logical that an imaginary artist (whose career has always been about outcasts and misfits) embraced and loved Batman and his freakshow (I say this fondly) since he fully understands both what these characters can symbolize as well as that fantasy is a medium to talk about the human condition through a warped perspective, while guys like Schumacher have their feet firmly on the ground and look down such material, and make comments like "It's comic book, not tragic book".

So, I think that Schumacher's Batman would always try to be sexy with some gay innuedo, a not very serious tone, a nightclub set design and women that are as unsexy decoration as are gorgeous. I tremble when I think what his Catwoman might be  ;D

Nothing against him, I personally like his attitude and his ponytail :), but he was simply wrong for fantasy-related material from day 1. The Phantom of the Opera somewhat worked (for my anyway) because it was supposed to be a film adaptation of a glamorous musical by A.L. Webber and not a dark film, and he succeded in doing exactly that.

Let's say Schumacher directed the first two Batman films, they wouldn't necessarily be horrible films. No original of something is ever considered to be bad. For example; Would you go around saying the original JAWS wouldn't be the same movie had Francis Ford Coppola directed it, vice verse with The Godfather, Star Wars etc. So I would like to think, Schumacher would have given the Frank Miller treatment to the first two films. Gotham probably would have looked like 'Blade Runner' and who knows, Tom Cruise could have ended up as Batman. You don't know these things until they happen.

In this case, it never happened!!
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

You do make good point's Joker89. It was WB that told him to take in into a lighter more kid friendly direction so if there was no movie's before hand he prob would have made them more serious. But then again he could have made his movies more kid friendly without going over board like h did in B&R.

I still stand by what i said they prob wouldn't be that great as he said in his own word's he won't take them seriously because thay are called
Comic books.

I know that Schumacher would have made the films lighter, everyone knows that. But that doesn't mean they would have been light-hearted films. It would have been lighter in the sense of how Gotham looks. Gotham would probably be a brightly lighted city with neon-night clubs, fancy shopping malls, etc.

I like the scene in The Dark Knight where Batman goes looking for Sal Maroni in the nightclub. That's how Gotham should look, not always taking everything so seriously. And Schumacher tried to do that with Batman Forever which is fine. But he went to damn far in Batman & Robin. He himself, admitted that the toy companies forced him to make a 'Kids film' which is why Chris O' Donnell expressed freely on camera that when filming Batman Forever he felt like he was making a movie. When filming Batman & Robin he said he felt like he was making a toy commercial.

"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."