The Batman

Started by Sandman, Fri, 25 Jul 2008, 03:20

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It's sad how they started out with the young Batman concept initally, only to fall back into Robin, the Justice League and so forth rather quickly. The solo Batman concept should have been right through the series.

Yeah i perfer it when Batman's flying solo. And what was the deal with the way they did Scarecrow and Bane.

And the Joker looking like an ugly barefoot Wolverine was pretty bad too.

BTAS's Joker was by far better. Hell, everything in BTAS is better than The Batman. It has the Burton touch to it.

Yup and lets not forget Elfmans kick ass music.

The Batman was an "ok" show for kids, but their version of The Joker is something I definitly hate!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

*jumps out of lurking*

Overall I enjoyed this show quite a bit, personally.  It was fun and really liked the look of it.  It's no BTAS, but it was different enough that I never really felt like I had to compare the two.  I found their Joker super weird at first, but after several episodes I came to like it. He still felt "Joker-y" (to me, anyway).


Joker-ish what like an ape hopping around and making weird sounds?

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: DarkVengeance on Thu,  9 Oct  2008, 23:29
Joker-ish what like an ape hopping around and making weird sounds?

Other then jumping a lot while fighing I don't really recall him acting much like a monkey, though I could be mistaken.  You obviously didn't like the interpretation and I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise.  Different strokes, etc.  :)

I didnt mind it, but it just didnt sit well with me. How can you go from such an amazing portrayal of The Joker by Mark Hammil in BTAS, and then get that? Pretty far below it I should say.

Plus I dont know how anyone can say this show was NOT for kids, it was very watered down and the animation was just as crappy as watching dragonballz or pokemon.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.