89 vs. 92..Favorite Batsuit

Started by shadowbat69, Tue, 6 Nov 2007, 03:09

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Which Keaton Batsuit is your favorite

1989 Batsuit
20 (57.1%)
Batman Returns suit
15 (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 33

I love both, but the original one from 89 gets the first place for me. :)

"Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play." - (Heraclitus)

B89 suit without a moment's contemplative hesitation. In BR, Bruce saw reason to go techy... although that reason is far from apparent to the viewer. I don't have a problem with this, per se, but my philosophy is: If it ain't broken, don't fix it. B89 was far from being broken in style... what we have is a muscle suit that is reminiscent of a creature... as in when Bruce Wayne puts on that suit, he's not just putting on armor, he's putting on a creature... and becomes that creature!  ;) The goons in the movie were even doubtful that he was an actual man. It wasn't until they got an up-close look they realized, yeah, that's a guy in body armor.
The B89 photos you refer to will soon be back in our hands.

i never even noticed when i first saw it. i was showing my girlfriend the new photos and it caught my eye.

The BR suit and B89 logo don't mesh well in my mind.  :-\
The B89 photos you refer to will soon be back in our hands.

I like the Returns suit better.

Big ask i know but does anyone have a link or somthing so i can see the two suits side by side or somthing similar?.

I prefer the suit in the original. I don't know there was just something about it. It was more threatening looking.

The Returns batsuit is the best of all bat suits in history

It is my favourite bat suit of the 1989-1997 era.

I like The Dark Knight suit. I didn't like it initially, but it looks great in the film in my view.

In this new design, the bodysuit is now broken into multiple pieces of armor over a more flexible bodysuit that is dipped in liquid titanium, for greater mobility and strength. The cowl of the bat suit, which in previous incarnations had been attached to the shoulder and neck, is now a separate component inspired by the design of motorcycle helmets, allowing the wearer to freely swivel and move his neck without moving the rest of his upper torso.

The blades on the sides of the gauntlets are now retractable; they can also be fired and be used as ranged weapons. The chest bat emblem is smaller than the one in Batman Begins and it is the same design as seen on the bat signal and film posters. The gloves possess hydraulics for Batman to crush objects.

This new bat suit also has "sonar vision" - where signals emitted by mobile phones are converted into images in a similar way to sonar. In order to view these images, white lenses fold down from the cowl to cover Batman's eyes. However at the end of the film, the technology used to create this is destroyed, as Lucius Fox views it as immoral.