Stadium Club Batman Returns Trading Cards

Started by Silver Nemesis, Sat, 22 Mar 2014, 13:08

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I was just browsing a gallery of trading card scans, and I found dozens of rare images from Batman Returns. Some of these I don't think I've ever seen before. Here are just a few of them.

This last one is my personal favourite. I think this is the best picture I've ever seen of the Batman Returns suit. Has anyone got a better quality version?

You've never seen them before?

I own the complete set.

i want them all. someone shut up and take my money.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sat, 22 Mar  2014, 14:18
You've never seen them before?

I own the complete set.

The complete set must be worth quite a bit of money by now.

Some of these pictures I have seen before, but others are definitely new to me. For example, I've never seen these before.

I've certainly never seen higher quality versions of these in any online galleries. I was only 6 when Batman Returns came out, so at the time I lacked both the means and the inclination to collect a series like this. I remember getting a few packets of trading cards – though perhaps not this particular series – as well as some of the stickers. But I didn't collect them.

Does anyone know if this is Keaton in the suit or a stunt double?

Sun, 23 Mar 2014, 00:48 #4 Last Edit: Sun, 23 Mar 2014, 01:19 by The Dark Knight
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Sat, 22 Mar  2014, 17:54
The complete set must be worth quite a bit of money by now.

Some of these pictures I have seen before, but others are definitely new to me.
I bought the set when I was a young, at a swap meet. It's stored in a hard clear plastic container. And indeed, some very good shots on the back. The cards are harder, and mine still have that new smell.

I didn't see this one posted, so I scanned it:

I have the set too. Might even have a spare. I also have a box of unopened packets :-)

The standing shot looks like Dave Lea.

just looked on ebay. full stadium sets for between $1 and $10. going to have to get one.

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun, 23 Mar  2014, 01:36
I have the set too. Might even have a spare. I also have a box of unopened packets :-)
Excellent. And Catwoman, I recommend getting the cards.

I have all the sets for B89 and BR.

is there a list of all the sets anywhere?

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun, 23 Mar  2014, 01:36
The standing shot looks like Dave Lea.

That's what I thought. It looks too buff to be Keaton.