Heath Ledgers Joker

Started by Joker81, Sat, 12 Jul 2008, 21:05

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Wed, 28 Jan 2009, 00:56 #150 Last Edit: Wed, 28 Jan 2009, 01:02 by batass4880
This was in the news about a Ledger copy-cat-clown in Belgium if you haven't heard.


Wed, 28 Jan 2009, 01:06 #151 Last Edit: Sun, 29 Mar 2009, 22:04 by Dark Knight Detective
Is this going to happen every year on (or after) the anniversary of Ledger's death!? What was this guy smoking!? The poor victims, they didn't deserve it, especially at the hands of this maniac. Just what was he thinking!?

Quote from: The Batman Returns on Wed, 28 Jan  2009, 01:06
Is this going to happen every year on (or after) the anniversary of Ledger's death!? What was this guy smoking!? The poor victims, they didn't deserve it, especially at the hands of this maniac. :'(  Just what was he thinking!?

What amazes me is that it happened in Europe and not the U.S. where you'd expect something this f***ed up to happen.

Wow, that is really shocking and sad. :-\
I think some people will blame TDK for this...
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

wat a lot of sh*te. The press will do anything to blame a pop culture on societies problems. He was just a f***ed up goth, prob on drugs. Nothing to do with Ledgers death, portrayal of the Joker or Batman.

Sat, 31 Jan 2009, 11:56 #156 Last Edit: Sat, 31 Jan 2009, 14:09 by The Dark Knight
I would have loved to see The Joker from Burton's sketch if he got full reign on 89. It would have been interesting indeed.

Quote from: batass4880 on Wed, 28 Jan  2009, 01:11
What amazes me is that it happened in Europe and not the U.S. where you'd expect something this f***ed up to happen.
I'm starting to think those cats over there are more messed up than anybody thinks.  A couple of years ago, I read some story about a dude in London who stole some old lady's purse.  Seriously, no BS, some other dude in a costume came out of an alley and beat that thief into a bloody pulp.  It's one thing to read about it in a comic, it's another for something that sick to happen in real life.

Hey, I'm all for helping out people who need it... but the costume part of it definitely shows you that some people have a hard time separating fiction from reality.

This is going to sound odd or dumb (i'll accept either one) but Heath's joker performance was tarnished heavily by the young fans who for some reason (i discovered) were on a hate rage with Keaton and Jack Nicholson fans, all over the net, saying Heath was 100 times better than Jack, blah blah blah, mostly vulgar high schoolers. And it went as far as sites pulling out a comparison vote-off (which was dumb imho since they're two completely different takes in different times).

So by the time I went to see it, it spoiled the experience for me as  I was completely not impressed at ALL by Heath's performance in terms of all the hoorah talk they made about him.

Also, him being dead sort of made it weird. Kind of like the Crow, Brandon Lee, expect I actually loved that film.

So I had to watch DK again on my computer this time and I pushed out any fanboy nonsense from my head.

So, my opinion... He was good. Not charismatically good like Jack. But he played psycho really well. I was hoping for morrre psycho but it he did very well.

The problem....   It wasn't even about him so much as it was more focused on Harvey Two Face in terms of character developement.
I loved the attention they gave Harvey to the point I found myself wishing Joker wasn't in it, at least until part 3. 

It sucks Heath is gone. He did a really good job playing his version of Joker. Complete difference and appropriate for Batman in DK.

I wish I could say nicer things about that film but I felt it dragged too much and the last parts was waay too erratic. I felt sorry for Bale. lol.
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."