Joker's goon jacket...with a twist (a bad one)

Started by Cobblepot4Mayor, Sat, 9 Nov 2013, 18:57

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Take a look at this crap collectible. I mean great idea to release the jacket as worn by the original Joker Goons of Jack Nicholson but this one bizarrely has Heather Ledger's face and playing cards in place of the original Joker comic logo:

No doubt put together by a disgruntled fan? lol It just looks stupid. The 1989 goons wore 1989 clothes! This really couldn't and shouldn't fit in with anything to do with The Dark Knight.

I only buy screen accurate stuff myself. This is just needless and worthless garbage. Avoid.

Actually there is a story behind this. I can't remember who was involved but the idea was for it to be a genuine replica of the B89 jackets.

However, WB would only grant a licence for it if they used Ledger Joker and cards.

True story.

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i would almost wear a joker jacket if it was like they actually were in the 89 movie. i look good in purple. lol.

seriously though it sucks that wb ignores jack's joker because people are gaga over the dark knight and heath's portrayal of the joker and a lot of that is just because he died. sorry if that is harsh but sh*t. i'm so over everyone acting like heath was the start all and end all of everything like those dumbf***s who wanted the joker RETIRED after heath died. ugh.

ok i'm done ranting lol.

Quote from: Catwoman on Sat,  9 Nov  2013, 23:58
i would almost wear a joker jacket if it was like they actually were in the 89 movie. i look good in purple. lol.

seriously though it sucks that wb ignores jack's joker because people are gaga over the dark knight and heath's portrayal of the joker and a lot of that is just because he died. sorry if that is harsh but sh*t. i'm so over everyone acting like heath was the start all and end all of everything like those dumbf***s who wanted the joker RETIRED after heath died. ugh.

ok i'm done ranting lol.

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Quote from: 1989Batmancom on Sun, 10 Nov  2013, 00:58
Quote from: Catwoman on Sat,  9 Nov  2013, 23:58
i would almost wear a joker jacket if it was like they actually were in the 89 movie. i look good in purple. lol.

seriously though it sucks that wb ignores jack's joker because people are gaga over the dark knight and heath's portrayal of the joker and a lot of that is just because he died. sorry if that is harsh but sh*t. i'm so over everyone acting like heath was the start all and end all of everything like those dumbf***s who wanted the joker RETIRED after heath died. ugh.

ok i'm done ranting lol.

:) You are my new best friend.


take a number and get in line.  :P

just playing  :)

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sat,  9 Nov  2013, 20:18
Actually there is a story behind this. I can't remember who was involved but the idea was for it to be a genuine replica of the B89 jackets.

However, WB would only grant a licence for it if they used Ledger Joker and cards.

True story.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

That sounds absolutely bloody ridiculous lol To me that would be like sticking Cesar Romero on this jacket back in 89 for people who only wanted the tv show and were against Michael Keaton (and boys and girls, that did happen at the time). But my point is it never happened then! And therefore it shouldn't happen now either! Different fanbases were respected in equal measure. A potentially great collectible ruined by PR department.

I really cannot wait until the next iteration of Batman movies to start to utterly annihilate the Chris Nolan era, for better or even for worser frankly. Their getting far too powerful for their own good. I really don't like this snooty attitude they have of seperating themselves from previous era's. It's getting on my nerves a lot. What's ironic is I once loved the Bale movies but that was a more sensible time in 2005 when people were just happy to have the movies back. Now it's needless fan warfare on a scale I've never experienced anywhere before and a waste of mind and body power frankly. Have people forgotten all forms of Batman can still be fun?

The more the new production team piss off the fans (more often the new ones who came on board purely for Nolan) with hair brained decisions like casting Ben Affleck and bringing back Robin, the more I know their doing a fantastic job destroying Nolan's legacy and pleasing us long standing boys lol

I actually think there's a limitation on Jack's Joker merchandise because of the licensing fees associated with his likeness as the character.

I postulate that his contract allowed Warners to use his likeness as The Joker without paying extra for a limited time (a few years probably) for the purposes of merchandising the movie in an advertising context. For a a few years after any movie (until the next sequel, anyhow), you wanna keep the previous film in the public's mind to some degree. Hence why the Kenner '89 figures in '90 and '91 had art of Jack's Joker on the card.

But now? That option probably expired, and outside of advertising the movie with its own footage, if you want to use Jack as Joker, ya gotta pay. And only Hot Toys so far has ponied up the cash.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

The logo that would have been used, were it to be a 89 replica, would not have been Jack's likeness. It would have been the joker logo seen on the goons jackets.

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun, 10 Nov  2013, 19:42
The logo that would have been used, were it to be a 89 replica, would not have been Jack's likeness. It would have been the joker logo seen on the goons jackets.

Well, true. That image was more of a generic comic book Joker, but this thread just made me think about that issue is all
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

i get why jack wants to be a pain in the ass about giving permission for his likeness but surely he realizes how popular his joker was and is and that even if he didn't make a fortune off giving the permission, he'd still make a very pretty penny from all the stuff that is sold.