Superman Sequels By VICTORKALEL

Started by BatmanFanatic93, Mon, 22 Jul 2013, 08:22

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Mon, 22 Jul 2013, 08:22 Last Edit: Mon, 22 Jul 2013, 08:24 by BatmanFanatic93
Hey guys how is it going?Well today i was looking through some old videos in my favorites & came across a superman returns sequel trailer that i faved along time ago & when i started to view it i realized how much hate this guy gets on his videos all because he based them on superman returns & it's a real shame cause he's really good at making these video & presonally i find this one the best
(also does anyone know the names of the movies in this trailer?)in his videos mainly cause bizarro is one of my favorite superman villains & it sucks that he never truly made to the big screen unless you wanna count superman 3 where superman turns evil & fights himself anyways take a look at his videos you might find some you might like. :)
You ether die a trilogy or live long enough to see yourself become batman & robin