What is the Joker's motivation?

Started by Paul (ral), Thu, 26 Jun 2008, 09:50

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Quote from: DarkVengeance on Thu,  9 Oct  2008, 23:18
Quote from: Joker81 on Thu,  9 Oct  2008, 20:40
Yes Darkvengence, I dont like that subplot motive that the Joker doesnt kill batman because he is 'fun'. Its a ridiculas notion and takes the ruthless out of the character. That must have been thought up for 'the kids'.

But getting back to my point, and the fact that TDK Joker was supposed to be based on his first appearance, as in Batman #1 - he wanted to KILL batman in that comic.

And as for chaos, that seems to be a new word tdk fanboys have learned since the 24th of July 2008!

LOL It has not one thing to do with children, didnt you ever read the article with Nolan saying "This isnt a movie for kids"? Please seriously look up your facts before making foolhardy statements.

Go back and read atleast 4 Joker comics from every decade and you'll see Im right, if you find the "Batman in the 40's" and etc. you'll see what Im talking about, otherwise you have no real facts to back yourself up, and hating on TDK just makes you look, well.....silly.

Ah HELLO! Anybody home Nolonite? It was 'thought up for the kids' because comic books were thought too violent for kids - so it was toned down! Do you know anything about the history of comics???

Ya I obviously do, quite a bit more than you, and "ite" after any word just dosent fit my style especially after a directors name. There are things about every film I like that I dont like (Including 89, BR, BF, BB, and TDK among craploads of others), Im very picky about things, Im sorry you can settle for things and be totally satisfied and I cant.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

There has been way to many versions of The Joker over the years, to say that one is more real then the movie is just silly. But all in all the Batman89 Joker prob had a stronger arch-enemy to Batman feel to it then The Dark Knight's Joker although he was so exellent he just seemed like just another villain in that movie not Batman's true enemy.

But Dark Knight said it best when he said
"He's The Joker. Does he need a motivation? He lives for chaos"

Yeah Sandman, thats what I like about the Joker in Batman 89, Batman has a true reason for the Joker being his arch nemesis.

In the Dark Knight, what is Batmans reason for the Joker being his arch nemesis?
Hes just another looney criminal. Its nothing personal. Doesnt seem there is one.

Quote from: Joker81 on Sun, 12 Oct  2008, 14:42
Yeah Sandman, thats what I like about the Joker in Batman 89, Batman has a true reason for the Joker being his arch nemesis.

In the Dark Knight, what is Batmans reason for the Joker being his arch nemesis?
Hes just another looney criminal. Its nothing personal. Doesnt seem there is one.
it dosent have to be personal, its Batman overcoming more and more stonger and worse challenges, thats personally what I would like to see have Batman go through, new challenges, not the same old ground tread on over and over again.

We have other interpretations to love, this one was different which is what makes it so amazing, personally I think being original and different make all the difference.

All I know is I wouldnt have wanted to see the same Joker from 89, in TDK.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

No, we do not want to see the same joker from 89 in TDK, that would have been a disater.

But apart from the new interpratation of the Joker (as in look and style) in TDK, there was no character motivation or nothing to distingish the Joker from other villians fighting Batman in Nolans Batman universe. There was nothing to distingish that he is infact Batmans main adversay. He's just another crazy villian of Gotham like the scarecrow. There was no motive or plot to make him Batman's arch nemesis. Nothing new or original in that context!

In my opinion it is personal between Batman and Joker - that is why they dispise eachother and what they stand for. I dont buy the love/hate relationship.

He dosent have to be his arch enemy to be a good rival, your saying that things dont have to be comic accurate but yet your stuck on this, make up your mind on how exactly you would like things, comic accurate or you dont care, because as of now you seem truly confused.

Burtons choices on making The Joker the killer of Batmans parents was just cutting corners, yes It gave ultimate motivation for the film (and it worked perfectly) but Burton cut alot of corners in his films, just because he felt like it.

When someone says theyre making their own interpretation of something IM cool with that, but when they're basing it on comic book characters and they say ( we didnt really think if comic book fans would like this or not, OR CARE..."Daniel Waters") then Im not really gonna be that satisfied with something!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

It had nothing todo with cutting corners. Burton had knew tha Joker was Batman arch nemesis but couldn't think of a way to show it, (which ended up being the problem with Nolan's Joker) so he made him the killer of Batman parents.

And yes it's not straight out of the comics but this is a movie it doesn't have to be the comic ripped out and placed on screen. He made Joker the killer of his parents and was a very awesome decision for HIS movie, worked exellently and made them alot more personal which worked just perfectly.

There werent any problems with The Joker in TDK, the way they left it was he was supposed to come back, and we know now he wont be.

Joker is a force of nature in TDK rather than a typical nemesis (ex. Doc oc in Spiderman2 or Magneto in the Xmen films) and I like it that way.

The way The Joker is portrayed in 89 is just as good to me, I like the interpretations equally, if they were very similar I wouldnt have liked it, just the same if Nicholsons Joker was alot like Romero's, I wouldnt like it.

I like when characters evolve, change and progress in new interpretations to me, it makes them better.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: Sandman on Mon, 13 Oct  2008, 06:24
It had nothing todo with cutting corners. Burton had knew tha Joker was Batman arch nemesis but couldn't think of a way to show it, (which ended up being the problem with Nolan's Joker) so he made him the killer of Batman parents.

And yes it's not straight out of the comics but this is a movie it doesn't have to be the comic ripped out and placed on screen. He made Joker the killer of his parents and was a very awesome decision for HIS movie, worked exellently and made them alot more personal which worked just perfectly.

Agreed Sandman! Me and you are on the same wavelength my friend! ;D