Batman Returns at 21

Started by Catwoman, Mon, 10 Jun 2013, 05:20

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Mon, 10 Jun 2013, 05:20 Last Edit: Wed, 19 Jun 2013, 15:05 by Paul (ral)
batman returns can legally drink alcohol in just over a week. omg. i'm getting OLD :( :( :(

What age were you when it came out?

Batman Returns premiered on my 22 birthday.


Quote from: GBglide on Mon, 10 Jun  2013, 11:38
Batman Returns premiered on my 22 birthday.


awesome lol

I was 10.   ;D  Lucky enough to see both Burton Batman movies on original release.  As well as the animated series.  8)  I must have been either 13 or 14 when Batman Forever came out.

Quote from: OutRiddled on Tue, 11 Jun  2013, 03:42
Lucky enough to see both Burton Batman movies on original release.

You're lucky, I've never seen a Batman movie in the theater.  :(

I missed Returns in theatres. :-(

I was 14 when it came out.