The Ice Princess and Her Tragic Fate

Started by JokerMeThis, Sat, 8 Jun 2013, 03:17

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I'm more old fashioned when it comes to women, as in I like them to dress and act like ladies  :) And the ice Princess got the dress part right.

I like the way the women of Gotham dress. I've always liked those old-fashioned ladies clothes. Unfortunately we never see the Ice Princess wearing normal clothes. Don't get me wrong, I love the Ice Princess costume though.  :)

Alternate ending I just made up: Batman saves the Princess and she realises she might not be a real princess, just a rich girl, and at the end of the movie we see her in normal clothes looking at the Bat-signal.

What do you think?

Quote from: Edd Grayson on Fri, 12 Jul  2013, 05:32
I'm more old fashioned when it comes to women, as in I like them to dress and act like ladies  :) And the ice Princess got the dress part right.
You didn't think the Ice Princess acted like a lady Edd?  :-\
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

She shoved that old lady didn't she? I consider deleted scenes as canon. Like the scene in Batman in which Bats saves a little girl and she asks "Is it Halloween?"

Quote from: Edd Grayson on Fri, 12 Jul  2013, 06:01
She shoved that old lady didn't she? I consider deleted scenes as canon. Like the scene in Batman in which Bats saves a little girl and she asks "Is it Halloween?"
I don't know whether the scene of the Ice Princess shoving an old lady was ever filmed, although Cristi Conaway speaks of it in an interview as if its still a part of her character's nature and its mentioned in the Making Of Book and novelisation, not just the screenplay.  In the film we simply see the Princess on the stage being protected by her two bodyguards (where were they when she was in her dressing room later on in the film?  >:( ) which is what I'd expect - but I guess Conaway's interview and the other pieces of evidence suggests that had her bodyguards not been around to protect her or if for some reason they bundled her away from the stage into the crowd she would have been the 'type to shove little old ladies to the ground to save her own (admittedly beautiful) skin'.

I often take deleted scenes as canon but I guess it depends on how I feel about the scenes.  Often the filmmakers have a good reason to delete a scene and do so precisely because it presents a completely different image of the character to the one they want to present.  With the Princess I don't think that was the case otherwise why would the Making Of Book still suggest she was the type to push little old ladies?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

I like that alternate ending you suggested Edd Grayson. I wish Batman could've saved the Ice Princess. Maybe she'd have learned something and become a stronger, smarter and more independent person.

My philosophy about movies is that if it isn't on the screen then we aren't required to accept it. So I don't think the Ice Princess pushed the old lady down. I do think she might do something like that though. Not because she's evil or anything but because she's not used to being in danger and in such a situation might panic and do things she wouldn't ordinarily do because of fear.

Batman Returns fascinates me. I think it's proof that Tim Burton and co did their job.

I hope I'll get to meet Cristi Conaway in person some day.

Batman Returns is one of the movies I've given a lot of thought to over the years. It really has a lot to say but it's unfortunate that so few people seem to see it and that it's so under appreciated. To a lesser extent I think Batman '89 is deep too. The scences about Bruce Wayne in Batman Forever are pretty interesting too.

I don't think it's unfortunate, it's natural, not everyone can appreciate fine art...