The Ice Princess and Her Tragic Fate

Started by JokerMeThis, Sat, 8 Jun 2013, 03:17

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Quote from: johnnygobbs on Mon,  8 Jul  2013, 07:29
Quote from: Catwoman on Mon,  8 Jul  2013, 04:04
the look on her face n sh*t WAS funny. the whole thing was kind of darkly comic. tragic and funny in a demented tim burtonish way all at the same time.
I agree entirely Catwoman.  You completely get it.  ;D


Part of what's so funny is how the Ice Princess doesn't make any effort to help herself. She won't even hop off the ledge or put up a fight against Catwoman. She strikes me as someone who's being spoiled all her life. That's one of the reasons I think she's a rich heiress who thinks the world revolves around her.

Quote from: JokerMeThis on Tue,  9 Jul  2013, 03:32
Part of what's so funny is how the Ice Princess doesn't make any effort to help herself. She won't even hop off the ledge or put up a fight against Catwoman. She strikes me as someone who's being spoiled all her life. That's one of the reasons I think she's a rich heiress who thinks the world revolves around her.
She's always waiting for a guy to save her as if that's what she's used to expecting.  Heaven forbid she actually try using some initiative and do something for her herself.  She complacently waits for Batman to come to her rescue.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Yes. She's kind of a stereotypical fairy tale princess in distress just waiting for the "knight" to rescue her from the "monster" and not doing anything to help herself.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Tue,  9 Jul  2013, 03:57She's always waiting for a guy to save her as if that's what she's used to expecting.  Heaven forbid she actually try using some initiative and do something for her herself.  She complacently waits for Batman to come to her rescue.
Which ties in neatly with Catwoman's comments to the woman after scratching the thief/rapist's face.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue,  9 Jul  2013, 04:32
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Tue,  9 Jul  2013, 03:57She's always waiting for a guy to save her as if that's what she's used to expecting.  Heaven forbid she actually try using some initiative and do something for her herself.  She complacently waits for Batman to come to her rescue.
Which ties in neatly with Catwoman's comments to the woman after scratching the thief/rapist's face.
Good spot.  Yeah, I was partly paraphrasing that comment although I don't even think that woman was anywhere near as pathetic and wimpy as the Ice Princess.  It's very easy to sympathise with someone who is being attacked by a strong assailant in an alleyway, it's less easy to sympathise with someone who doesn't even make the effort to hop off a three foot ledge to safety.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Of course. Although Catwoman, the alpha female who is confident to walk around in skin-tight PVC and crack a whip when threatened would not share that view. You are either strong or weak. You either stand up for yourself or you don't. All courtesy of the transformation she went through and the refusal to play the victim ever again.

Good comments The Dark Knight and johnnygobbs.

I wonder what the woman Catwoman saves would think of the Ice Princess and how she acted when she was kidnapped and held prisoner.

Quote from: JokerMeThis on Tue,  9 Jul  2013, 05:19
Good comments The Dark Knight and johnnygobbs.

I wonder what the woman Catwoman saves would think of the Ice Princess and how she acted when she was kidnapped and held prisoner.
Yes, Catwoman and the Ice Princess represent two extremes of femininity, and for that matter human nature in general, whilst the attitude of the woman who was about to be mugged (or worse  :( ) probably represents the attitude of the majority of people who are neither as self-sufficient and aggressive as Catwoman nor as dependent and submissive as the Ice Princess. 
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

That is a very interesting observation johnnygobbs. I think the woman Catwoman saved would've put up a good fight against Catwoman and would've hopped off the ledge very quickly. She'd have the common sense to then hide behind Batman and let him fight the Penguin.