Batman Returns sexiest scenes

Started by Catbat, Mon, 20 May 2013, 22:40

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Which are the most sensual scenes of Batman Returns?

You may only select up to 3 options.

Hi everybody,
I guess we can all agree that Batman Returns definitely has a stronger sexual undercurrent than its predecessor – and it's probably the adventure in which Batman more often finds himself in situations where he actually enjoys sensual pleasures.

Essentially, after many exchanges with other fans, I deduced that the general feeling was that eroticism surrounded the whole movie and was even perceived in apparently non sex-related scenes.

So I thought it could be interesting to find out which in your opinion are the sexiest scenes of the movie and why – just as a starting point for the poll, here's a list of sequences that emerged more frequently as "hot" in chronological order (max three choices available)

Hope you enjoy the idea and let me know your thoughts on the subject – have a nice day!

I think any scenes with Catwoman and the Ice Princess are sexy. My favorite sexy Catwoman scenes are when she beats up the mugger, when she's in Shreck's store and when she's in Penguin's campaign headquarters. I think every scene with the Ice Princess is sexy. She's one of the most beautiful and sexy woman characters I've ever seen in a movie. I particularly like her when she lights the Christmas tree for the first time, when we see her in her tent and when she's standing on the ledge.

The mistletoe scene.  Kinky..

The mugger scene and Schreck's ball. Michelle Pfeiffer was so sultry. Purrfect.  :P

anyone who didn't use one of their votes for "under the mistletoe" doesn't understand sensuality. at all.

Quote from: Edd Grayson on Wed, 19 Jun  2013, 06:05
That one goes without saying.

oh i know lol i was just speaking in general. sorry if it looked like i was singling you out mr. ed. i mean edd.

No worries, Miss Kyle. I've re-edited my vote to give one to the classic mistletoe scene. It just escaped my attention when I first saw the poll.

My votes:

Catwoman's first time.
Penguins's lair.
Kiss under the miseltoe.

My number one would have to be Penguin's lair. The sight of Catwoman (not the user) laying on the bed dry humping with a whip and kitty nearby is er, purrfect.

Michelle Pfeiffer is incredibly hot in this film, as she almost always is, especially to my mind in the Selina Kyle scenes (particularly at the Max-querade Ball where she looks positively stunning) but there were loads of incredibly beautiful women in this film not accounted for by the 'sexiest scenes' poll particularly the gorgeous Ice Princess but also the 'hottest young person a role-model could have' and her friends, Jen the image consultant and even the Poodle Lady.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.