Favourite Batman theme tune? ELFMAN vs ZIMMER

Started by Batman999, Fri, 12 Apr 2013, 09:59

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Quote from: Batman999 on Sat, 13 Apr  2013, 20:33although the superman thing> BIG NO NO. (but thats a debate for another thread).
No idea what you're trying to say here.

Sun, 14 Apr 2013, 01:11 #11 Last Edit: Sun, 14 Apr 2013, 02:06 by The Dark Knight
In regards to Zimmer and Man of Steel - I say give the guy a go. The one eyed adherence to the past set of films - costume, music and all, is pretty annoying from my point of view. As long as the music suits the film I will say it's mission accomplished. I also liked Zimmer's soundtrack for Rises quite a bit. Risen From Darkness was a good one.

Edit: This main theme from Arkham Asylum really connects for me. Just brilliant.

I'm afraid I will be utterly merciless upon Zimmer's score when I finally hear it and if I do not care for it. Although reading a recent interview I feel pity toward him when he said he felt intimidated by following John Williams. At least he understands the importance of the original score to many and appreciates the fact he's following in the footsteps of greatness. At the same time he also stated he was so nervous he never got started on it from about three months. While that's understandable pressure can it be good for the final score? Fact is nothing will top the Reeve films far as I'm concerned in whatever capacity. I'll except the new things still and enjoy them (just like the Bale Batman's). Everything I've seen so far looks fine it's just that music. As long as there isn't any unnecessary geeky fan boy snorts and giggles about the way the older movies did things. That irritates the crap out of me these days more than people who can't accept the "new things".

As for the Batman score I never tire of hearing the thundering Elfman music. Zimmer's is very good. I often hear it used in dramatic talent shows such as Britain's Got Talent and X Factor. While this may seem on the surface as not very gratifying it shows how the new music too has found it's own place in popular culture outside the movies. However I feel the music was overplayed in the movies themselves. After hearing it for the fourth time in an action sequence it got tiring. Whereas Elfman's never got boring as it rattled the scenes along.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Sun, 14 Apr  2013, 18:08At the same time he also stated he was so nervous he never got started on it from about three months. While that's understandable pressure can it be good for the final score?
Okay, do you see a relationship between that...

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Sun, 14 Apr  2013, 18:08Fact is nothing will top the Reeve films far as I'm concerned in whatever capacity.
... and this? You know, cause and effect? One might have begotten the other?

If you go into it with the attitude that absolutely nothing will ever be as good... honestly, not trying to start something, why go into it at all?

my point was i don;t like batman & superman mixing especially because the whole point of batman is he is a mortal man (who lives in the normal world) who decides to fight crime. in a one-off justice movie okay i'll accept that but not in a batman film- it's silly.

Speaking of games, Dark Tommorow had nice music too. After 6:40 the interesting part. Pity about the game.


(All IMO of course)

Elfman's theme is memorable, powerful, and completely embodies  the character - it would be next to impossible to apply that theme to another setting without invoking thoughts of Batman.

Zimmer's theme can be much more easily taken out and applied to other settings (trailers, spoofs, etc.) without being instantly recognized as Bat-music. It's not dissimilar to the themes he's devised for other characters and other movies. It isn't bad, but it isn't outstanding.

Quote from: Catwoman on Thu, 25 Apr  2013, 22:11
danny hands down

couldn't agree more. There's quite a big drop off after danny.

Quote from: Catwoman on Thu, 25 Apr  2013, 22:11danny hands down
Is that a mobster? "You ever meet Danny Hands-Down? Fuhgeddaboudit."