Blue Batman

Started by GothamAlleys, Wed, 20 Mar 2013, 18:14

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Hi guys
Im looking for panels which specifically state that Batman's suit is blue. I have two from  The Super-Key to Fort Superman, but I know theres at least one more which I cant find

Found this one cited in Fleisher's Batman Encyclopedia:
"Yes, it is the flashing figure of Batman, clad in the shadowy colors of blue and gray."
- The Strange Costumes of Batman! Detective Comics No. 165, Nov '50.
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Nice, thanks! I actually didnt know about this one

I guess I've always been curious what Bruce's explanation was for turning his suit blue, since, well, bats aren't blue and I don't believe blue has been proven to be a better urban camouflage color than black and/or gray.

But then that does kind of open up a bunch of questions, doesn't it?  I mean, most bats are black and brown.  Why isn't the suit black and brown?  Why is his utility belt gold/yellow most of the time, especially if he wants camouflage/stealth?  Why the mouth opening where he can easily get shot in the face?, etc. 

If we were to hold Batman to how accurate his suit is to an actual bat , we'd have to question a lot of the traditional elements of the suit and not just "why blue."
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Wasn't a blue suit as a result of black not coming out well in the printing process back in the day?

no one laughed at what i did :(

Well Batman is "the night", so I always looked at the yellow oval as a symbolic moon in the night. Plus, when he wears an armor, its whats drawing the fire. As for being blue, well, beetles arent blue either yet we have Blue Beetle. Spiders arent blue yet Spidermans blue and red.

Anyway, thanks again batmangelus, I included that panel in a short post I did about Batman being actually blue in the comics -