CGI cape for Superman

Started by Bobthegoon89, Thu, 7 Mar 2013, 16:54

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I could be about to open a can of worms here and cries of "Quit moanin, get used to a different Superman movie" but I have to say I'm pretty furious Superman's cape will be created through CGI. What I haven't heard yet is does this include dialogue scenes or merely action? Either way it's pretty upsetting. I do not understand how in the 80's they had Chris Reeve wearing an actual cape and still manage action and flying scenes yet now they can't. What gives?

Green Lantern I think could be a look at the future in which things are done less physically in a comic book movie. Ryan Reynolds had a pretty atrocious CGI Lantern costume which was one of many fun sapping aspects of a film best forgotten. Could we however see a day in which production crews simply animate a Batmobile rather than spectacularly building one at a large cost? This was even attempted way back on Batman Forever until Joel Schumacher chose wisely against it. Nolan is often regarded at introducing real tangible devices in his Batman films but this praise is massively overrated as I'm sure we all know on here. Batman movies have always done things for real from building real Batcaves to Batsuits and even Gotham Cities. CGI has been used but never on a vast scale and certainly not as a means of creating character wardrobe. I hope this will continue to be the case. The thrill of seeing Batman's world brought to life in physical objects is always a better deal to me than animating it on a laptop.

What do you think? Are the times are a-changin for the best(worst)???

I have zero problem with a CGI cape so long as it is convincing.

The CGI cape in Superman Returns was so obvious in places.

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 20:56The CGI cape in Superman Returns was so obvious in places.
VERY true.

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 20:56I have zero problem with a CGI cape so long as it is convincing.
Ditto. It's technologically feasible to do it and it simplifies wire stuff and probably other things. The cape isn't always CGI -- as the numerous pictures of the costume on display demonstrate. If you need a specific movement or type of movement from the cape, mobility from the actor or generally to simplify other effects work, a CG cape is a great approach. Besides, Snyder has shown he has a pretty good eye for effects and whatnot. Whatever other problems MOS may or may not have, I'm not too worried about the cape.

I don't have a problem with a CGI cape. It's pretty much essential given the action scenes a character like Superman engages in.

As long as it isn't an "ooh look what we can do with a computer" reason, I'm okay with it.
Actually I was thinking about the skydiving opening to "Moonraker" the other day and started wondering what it would be like if they did that with Superman and digitally added in the cape and reduced the hidden parachute bulge in post.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

cgi sucks. i like real stuff! :(

Wed, 13 Mar 2013, 22:43 #6 Last Edit: Wed, 13 Mar 2013, 22:45 by ElCuervoMuerto
I have no problem with a CGI cape or a practical one. As long as the effects look good I don't care how they're achieved. Plus shots have shown us that he'll have a real cape as well. And I'm pretty sure that shot of the cape billowing in the snow in the trailer was achieved through practical effects. If it was CGI then they got some damn good animator working on the film!  :D

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 20:56
I have zero problem with a CGI cape so long as it is convincing.

The CGI cape in Superman Returns was so obvious in places.

Never mind the cape-SR had close-ups of a CGI Routh's face.

What on earth was the point of that?

Quote from: phantom stranger on Mon,  6 May  2013, 04:53Never mind the cape-SR had close-ups of a CGI Routh's face.

What on earth was the point of that?
Well, the reason for it is that it can sometimes be an incredible pain in the ass to go from a CG figure to a live action actor in one shot without cuts. There's a shot of Blandon the Bartender at the end of Singerman where he flies into the frame and it's pretty obvious it's a CG model. That's why. Supposedly the effects people tried like hell to match the shot up with a close up of the actor on wires/green screen and just couldn't blend the two together convincingly so eventually someone decided to do a fully CG shot and skip the wire shot entirely. I guess I'm not bothered by that because all effects look pretty much equally fake to me so accepting one type of effect and complaining about the other is picking gnat $hi+ out of pepper in my opinion.

Agree w the general consensus. If its realistic and not obvious no problem. I prefer the real deal but if its as good as its rumored to be I would like to think I won't even notice and just enjoy the ride.