If Michael Keaton's Batman entered the world of The Elder Scrolls

Started by The Pale Moonlight, Tue, 19 Feb 2013, 23:36

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Tue, 19 Feb 2013, 23:36 Last Edit: Wed, 20 Feb 2013, 01:17 by The Pale Moonlight
Just a silly , but fun question, lol. I am not  sure if I have posted this in the right section, but since it is Michael Keaton's Batman, I posted it here, lol

Okay, Michael Keaton's Batman suddenly finds himself in the world of th :-[e Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, or Oblivion

How would the characters in the Skyrim or Oblivion world perceive Batman do you think? Michael Keaton's one though, not any other incarnations. lol

While   playing  the game this week, it started to get tedious and  I ended up trying to imagine this scenario with the 89 Batman. Yes, you probably all think I am BATty

Would Batman have the amount of skill needed to survive in that world? lol   

I tried to put Michael Keaton's Batman  (the shot is from where he glides down inn Axis Chemicals) in two Skyrim pictures using paint,  and it looks like s**t as I don't have photoshop or anything, :(

even worse attempt


Crazy topic...I love this place.

Having not played any of those games, I have no idea :)

Interesting thread. I think Keaton's Batman would fit in quite well and would be perceived in a supernatural, gargoylesque way.

Quote from: The Pale Moonlight on Tue, 19 Feb  2013, 23:36
Okay, Michael Keaton's Batman suddenly finds himself in the world of th :-[e Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, or Oblivion

How would the characters in the Skyrim or Oblivion world perceive Batman do you think? Michael Keaton's one though, not any other incarnations. lol

As a Black Knight, what else, lol.

Quote from: The Pale Moonlight on Tue, 19 Feb  2013, 23:36
Would Batman have the amount of skill needed to survive in that world? lol   

He'd probably have to re-design his armour in a more quasi-medieval version, practice his skills with a broadsword etc. but if there's one thing about Batman is that he's a survivor!