Catwoman's "sorrow" over the Ice Princess's death

Started by The Pale Moonlight, Thu, 7 Feb 2013, 08:27

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Just a quick question

I have  seen a few people online mention  the Catwoman feeling sorrow about the Ice Princess's death....

Where  in Batman Returns is her sorrow implied?

And  did the Ice Princess actually die? I don't remember any part of the film confirming this.... as we only see her fall on to the box thing that lit up the tree

Catwoman only has one line about it: "I thought you were going to scare the ice princess".

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri,  8 Feb  2013, 03:00
Catwoman only has one line about it: "I thought you were going to scare the ice princess".
The Pale Moonlight, I think the implication from this line is that Catwoman regrets the Ice Princess's death and has been betrayed by the Penguin into becoming an accomplice to her murder.

The Dark Knight, do you think that Catwoman felt no sorrow with respect to the Ice Princess's death?

Also, I think it's fairly safe to say that the Ice Princess would have died from such a long fall.  Her back would have broke upon landing on the ground/box and even if that had not been the case she probably would have been electrocuted upon hitting the tree lighting controls.  I doubt the Penguin would have left her survival to chance either since had she lived she would have been able to tell the police that she'd been kidnapped by an 'ugly bird-man with fish breath' and even if she still didn't know the Penguin's name that description only leaves a very short list of suspects none of whom are Batman.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Fri,  8 Feb  2013, 10:13
The Dark Knight, do you think that Catwoman felt no sorrow with respect to the Ice Princess's death?
I think she did. The fact she raises the incident in the first place means it wasn't a throwaway moment to her.

It tells me she was fine with scaring, but not killing. As things turned out, she didn't get what she was sold by The Penguin.

Maybe the line was inserted to show that Catwoman had a chance at "redemption" and wasn't an outright "evil" character. Also, it's delivered just before her falling out with the Penguin.

Catwoman's "I wouldn't touch you to scratch you" shows her growing disgust of Penguin. Michelle acts this scene out as someone weary and a bit broody. She downs that 'bubbly' in one go.

i thought her line about thinking he was only going to scare the princess and the way she said it and the way she was so cold to him was just how her personality was after max killed her the first time and so she was upset about it but she wasnt going to cry or make a big deal of it or get pissed off at herself for going along with his plan when she should have known he would do a lot more than just scare her.

make sense? lol

Quote from: Catwoman on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 09:12
i thought her line about thinking he was only going to scare the princess and the way she said it and the way she was so cold to him was just how her personality was after max killed her the first time and so she was upset about it but she wasnt going to cry or make a big deal of it or get pissed off at herself for going along with his plan when she should have known he would do a lot more than just scare her.

make sense? lol
Well strictly speaking, if the Ice Princess hadn't behaved so foolishly and allowed herself to get scared by a few baby bats she wouldn't have tried 'batting' the away (no pun intended) and consequently lost her balance and fallen off the roof.  I know that wouldn't hold up in a court of law but if the Ice Princess had half a brain cell she need not have died... :-\
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 10:53
Quote from: Catwoman on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 09:12
i thought her line about thinking he was only going to scare the princess and the way she said it and the way she was so cold to him was just how her personality was after max killed her the first time and so she was upset about it but she wasnt going to cry or make a big deal of it or get pissed off at herself for going along with his plan when she should have known he would do a lot more than just scare her.

make sense? lol
Well strictly speaking, if the Ice Princess hadn't behaved so foolishly and allowed herself to get scared by a few baby bats she wouldn't have tried 'batting' the away (no pun intended) and consequently lost her balance and fallen off the roof.  I know that wouldn't hold up in a court of law but if the Ice Princess had half a brain cell she need not have died... :-\
Good point
You ether die a trilogy or live long enough to see yourself become batman & robin

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 10:53
Quote from: Catwoman on Thu,  7 Mar  2013, 09:12
i thought her line about thinking he was only going to scare the princess and the way she said it and the way she was so cold to him was just how her personality was after max killed her the first time and so she was upset about it but she wasnt going to cry or make a big deal of it or get pissed off at herself for going along with his plan when she should have known he would do a lot more than just scare her.

make sense? lol
Well strictly speaking, if the Ice Princess hadn't behaved so foolishly and allowed herself to get scared by a few baby bats she wouldn't have tried 'batting' the away (no pun intended) and consequently lost her balance and fallen off the roof.  I know that wouldn't hold up in a court of law but if the Ice Princess had half a brain cell she need not have died... :-\

had penguin lived (blech) he would have been aquited for reason of victim's stupidity lmao