Slow-Moving Batman - I love it!

Started by LongLiveTheBatman, Sun, 3 Feb 2013, 01:38

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The way keaton looked, moved, spoke, his body language, his facial expressions etc. makes the character his own very unique and extremely memorable.

Definitely ^

I'd even go as far as saying it's so distinct in 89' that you can definitely see the difference in movement going from Batman to Batman Returns.

^The way he walks after the Ice Princess after Catwoman takes her is nice. A purposeful walk. And how he pulls his body back to look upwards to the roof.

Yeah that's nice as well. The way he walks stands out to me. It's almost like a strut or march.

Been rewatching more 89' Batman clips and I just keep thinking he looks more twisted in this. Almost like a demon. Maybe it's the actual eye sockets of the mask. In some shots it's really hard to tell where the mask and (skin with make up) begins. Definitely a nice blend. Funny as, at one point the mask from 1989 was my least favorite of all Batman films. It's now my favorite.

In 89' he seems more stoic and moves less. In Returns Keaton is a bit more animated in his expressions and choices inside the suit. But I would say that came with the change in tone from Batman 89 and Batman Returns.

I never even knew about the Bat turn or that Keaton had trouble in the suit until years later. I always saw the way he moved as precise and ninja like I guess, I dunno. He obviously made it work.