What's everyone's favorite Comic based movies?

Started by HarryCanyon, Sat, 29 Dec 2012, 04:40

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My list of favourites would go something like this:

1.   Superman: The Movie (the extended/restored version released in 2000)
2.   Superman II: The Donner Cut (2006)
3.   Batman: The Movie (1966)/Batman (1989)
4.   Spider-Man (2002)/Spider-Man 2 (2004)

There are plenty of others I like, but those are the ones that really stand out.

Sun, 20 Jan 2013, 10:04 #12 Last Edit: Tue, 26 Feb 2013, 21:46 by HarryCanyon
Forgot to add Dredd.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed,  9 Jan  2013, 16:45
What I've been able to find are lists of the extra scenes that were thrown in but not any mention of the changes made to the order of cuts (a wide shot, a Dan close up, a Kovacs close up in theatrical vs. a Dan close up, a wide shot, a Kovacs close up in director's cut and things like that). I found a *VERY* extensive listing of changes ages ago but (A) I didn't seem to bookmark it because I don't have it now and (B) it was full of Engrish anyway so reading it was a bit of a challenge.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed,  9 Jan  2013, 16:47
Spoke too soon...


Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for!

Tue, 22 Jan 2013, 04:08 #14 Last Edit: Tue, 22 Jan 2013, 04:17 by gordonblu
The Avengers (I thought this was the perfect blend of comic book and the current trend of "realism")
Batman 89 (even though it pains me to put this second  :'()
Spider-Man (Raimi loves the Stan Lee/ Steve Ditko era and it shows in spades)
Hellboy (Made me a fan of the character, loved the Jack Kirby vibe)
Batman Begins/ Batman Returns (Love both equally, BR does get edge musically, BB with the action)
Superman II (As stated elsewhere I prefer this one over the first)
The Rocketeer (Rivals the Indiana Jones films as the best modern love letter to Saturday Matinee)
Iron Man (A real surprise and a lot of fun)
Hulk (not a perfect film by any means, but I found the psychological aspects very interesting)
Captain America (Almost as good as Rocketeer, does suffer from weak CGI)
X-Men/ X2: X-Men United (The sequel might be more polished but there are things I like better about the first film too)
The Adventures of Captain Marvel (I think this holds up extremely well for both a serial and a 40's film)
The Shadow (not originally a comic book, but there have been some made for the character)
Darkman (again unofficial, but I don't care, this film is awesome.)
The Punisher (like Hellboy and Hulk this film really made me like the character)
Superman Returns (A very divisive film, it nevertheless fulfilled my wish for Kevin Spacey to play Lex Luthor and he didn't disappoint)

Bottom of the Barrel:
Catwoman (even the score was bad!)
Ghost Rider ((best part was Sam Elliot and he was still wasted)
Fantastic Four (The effects may have been an improvement but I actually prefer the Roger Corman version!)
Jonah Hex (So much wasted potential!)
Daredevil (the director's cut is better, but only because there's more Jon Favreau and Michael Clarke Duncan)
Superman III (None of the scenes feel like they connect as a whole and potentially interesting twists are instead used for throwaway gags)
Batman Forever ( a waste of Tommy Lee Jones and Michael Gough)
Blackhawk (if Captain Marvel still holds up today by contrast Blackhawk is maddeningly intolerable)

I know I'll get flak for putting Avengers over Batman. TBH the margin between them is minute, again it comes down to Joss Whedon (and/or his second unit) handling the action scenes better than Burton (and/or his second unit), plus Whedon successfully juggled 8-9 characters extremely well (watch and learn Mr. "focus-too-much-on-Logan" Singer!). Batman will always be my favorite DC movie no matter what else comes along.

Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?