Star Wars

Started by thecolorsblend, Wed, 14 Nov 2012, 08:40

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Am I to understand there isn't a Star Wars thread? Wowzers, and you guys call this a message board...

So yeah. Disney bought Lucasfilm. I can fairly say I never saw that one coming. If you'd asked me six months ago, I'd have told you that most likely Katie Lucas would take over and probably carry on Georgie Boy's tradition of not releasing the oh-riginal unaltered trilogy. Swing and a miss, I guess.

Episode 7 is coming. If you'd asked me six months ago, I'd have told you that Satan would need a parka and a heating pad before such ever saw the light of day. Swing and a miss again.

Fanboy conventional wisdom holds that diminishing George's role in the new trilogy is the unquestioned magic bullet for better films. I'm not so convinced. He wrote and directed A New Hope, which is generally very well regarded. As far as I know, his "minimal" involvement with Empire (the acknowledged favorite) is fairly similar to his level of involvement with Jedi (less favored). All of these are much more beloved than the Holiday Special, with which Lucas had zero involvement and which nobody but media masochists enjoy. In fact, it sounds like his involvement with the new trilogy will be along the lines of the 2008 Clone Wars CG animated movie... which, while not terrible, never bowled me over.

My best advice? Be careful what you wish for.

People seem to be forget that Disney and Star Wars have been entwined for the last 20 years. From star tours rode at the Parks to the exclusive toys, and to Star Wars weekends. Keeping the brand relevant even for the most casual fan. With with buy out and subsequent films slated to be released, that can go either very well, or very badly. We'll just have to wait and see on that.

As far as Lucas' involvement, if the rumor is true that they will be based on Lucas' story, and that Lucas will be looking over the shoulder of the folks at Lucasfilm the entire way (which, the Lucasfilm head thinks is a good thing), then it sounds like he'll have just as much influence as ever, short of directing. If it sucks under those particular circumstances, especially if it sucks in the ways Lucas has become known for with the prequels, blame WILL undoubtedly still fall on him, fairly or not.

As long as he doesn't touch the actual script, and the director is able to direct without interference, I'm pretty optimistic that it will be decent. Unfortunately for Expanded Universe fans, some of that stuff may get cherry picked, but will largely fall on the chopping block.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Star Wars true home is and always will be the cinema screen. So I for one am delighted there will be more after thinking Revenge of the Sith was the end of the line.

I fully support George Lucas however and feel sorry for the backlash he recieves these days. I'm one of the few who appreciates the prequels. I'm a tad uncomfortable about him giving rein to others. I wonder if he was pressured into making more films? Or is he an unwell guy or something? Not every day a guy gives away his whole "Empire" at the snap of a finger. I sincerley hope it's the former reason. 

While it's a nice thought to have Lawrence Kasdan back let's not forget he may not still be capable of "firing on all cylinders" himself. Empire Strikes Back was way back in 1980. Since then he's made The Bodyguard (a movie that makes me question my faith in him lol).

I have my issues with the prequels too. I hated the Jedi Knights. They sat and meditated through 3 films and trusted an army of lethal Clone Troopers. Kinda stupid, trusting and boring weren't they lol They need to restore the common Rebel Alliance soldier as the "heroes" of Star Wars. The x-wing pilots who fired lasers and photon torpedoes to defeat the enemy. Get rid of the peace loving, mystic Jedi and put the "Wars" back into Star Wars.

On a side note I don't exactly care for the orginal versions of the Star Wars trilogy. I remember how they looked on television back in the early 90's and guys they were dating severly then. Sorry. Jeez remember the orginal Wampa creature you never actually saw? Please don't tell me that wasn't improved. Sure I'd like them available to view as a "dvd extra feature" but I do think George Lucas was right in inproving some effects moments. In terms of altering character and story beats I agree with the controversy. I hate Hayden Christensen's cameo in Return of the Jedi. Makes no sense whatsoever.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 20:17Star Wars true home is and always will be the cinema screen. So I for one am delighted there will be more after thinking Revenge of the Sith was the end of the line.
Ditto, good sir.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 20:17I fully support George Lucas however and feel sorry for the backlash he recieves these days. I'm one of the few who appreciates the prequels. I'm a tad uncomfortable about him giving rein to others. I wonder if he was pressured into making more films? Or is he an unwell guy or something? Not every day a guy gives away his whole "Empire" at the snap of a finger. I sincerley hope it's the former reason.
People said "George Lucas raped my childhood" with varying degrees of seriousness way back when. Imagine mortgaging your entire fortune on Episode One... and being called a rapist for your troubles. Yeah, people were mostly joking when they said it... but that's still a hell of a thing to say about somebody who's just trying to entertain you. I'm not saying that stupidity like that is why he's making this decision which I'll come back to momentarily. Allz I'm saying is that if he read all the gripes and complaining and stuff online and had a bad taste in his mouth after... well, can't say I blame him too much. No, that doesn't excuse Jar Jar or whatever else but it's a different perspective, I hope.

Why is he selling? Seth Rogan attended a meeting where Lucas went on a minutes long tirade, re: Mayan calendar, December 2012, end of the world. Lucas believes it. Or he did at the time anyway. He doesn't think mankind will still be here in less than a month. Insane as I think that is, I could see that coloring his choices.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 20:17While it's a nice thought to have Lawrence Kasdan back let's not forget he may not still be capable of "firing on all cylinders" himself. Empire Strikes Back was way back in 1980. Since then he's made The Bodyguard (a movie that makes me question my faith in him lol).
Dreamcatcher. In fact, check out the wiki page about Dreamcatcher. Kasdan is quoted in there with something to the effect of how badly that movie damaged his career. Stuff he would've easily been able to do just a few years earlier was no longer on the table. I have to wonder if this wasn't his reason in accepting the assignment.

And frankly, the idea of less Lucas involvement doesn't necessarily thrill me. Lucas had a similar level of participation in Empire and Jedi. He had zero participation in the Holiday Special. So an absentee Lucas is hardly a magic bullet for good Star Wars.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 20:17I have my issues with the prequels too. I hated the Jedi Knights. They sat and meditated through 3 films and trusted an army of lethal Clone Troopers. Kinda stupid, trusting and boring weren't they lol They need to restore the common Rebel Alliance soldier as the "heroes" of Star Wars. The x-wing pilots who fired lasers and photon torpedoes to defeat the enemy. Get rid of the peace loving, mystic Jedi and put the "Wars" back into Star Wars.
To me, that was the whole point. The Jedi Order had long ago given up on their most sacred ideals and got along to get along with the Republic. Screw the will of the Force, they have a position in the social order of things to maintain. Qui-Gon is what the Jedi should have been; Yoda is what they had become.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 20:17On a side note I don't exactly care for the orginal versions of the Star Wars trilogy. I remember how they looked on television back in the early 90's and guys they were dating severly then. Sorry. Jeez remember the orginal Wampa creature you never actually saw? Please don't tell me that wasn't improved. Sure I'd like them available to view as a "dvd extra feature" but I do think George Lucas was right in inproving some effects moments.
Think of it like this. The version of A New Hope that won all those Oscars? It's presently not available in any legitimate home video format. Whether anybody likes it or not, the version of ANH on shelves now isn't the version that won all those Oscars. For historical purposes alone, the oh-riginals should be available to the public. I couldn't care less about Special Ultra Mega Force Unleashed Edition bullsh*t. Just give me the original version of each movie (all six) and I'll be happy as a clam.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 20:48
Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 20:17Star Wars true home is and always will be the cinema screen. So I for one am delighted there will be more after thinking Revenge of the Sith was the end of the line.
Ditto, good sir.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 20:17I fully support George Lucas however and feel sorry for the backlash he recieves these days. I'm one of the few who appreciates the prequels. I'm a tad uncomfortable about him giving rein to others. I wonder if he was pressured into making more films? Or is he an unwell guy or something? Not every day a guy gives away his whole "Empire" at the snap of a finger. I sincerley hope it's the former reason.
People said "George Lucas raped my childhood" with varying degrees of seriousness way back when. Imagine mortgaging your entire fortune on Episode One... and being called a rapist for your troubles. Yeah, people were mostly joking when they said it... but that's still a hell of a thing to say about somebody who's just trying to entertain you. I'm not saying that stupidity like that is why he's making this decision which I'll come back to momentarily. Allz I'm saying is that if he read all the gripes and complaining and stuff online and had a bad taste in his mouth after... well, can't say I blame him too much. No, that doesn't excuse Jar Jar or whatever else but it's a different perspective, I hope.

Why is he selling? Seth Rogan attended a meeting where Lucas went on a minutes long tirade, re: Mayan calendar, December 2012, end of the world. Lucas believes it. Or he did at the time anyway. He doesn't think mankind will still be here in less than a month. Insane as I think that is, I could see that coloring his choices.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 20:17While it's a nice thought to have Lawrence Kasdan back let's not forget he may not still be capable of "firing on all cylinders" himself. Empire Strikes Back was way back in 1980. Since then he's made The Bodyguard (a movie that makes me question my faith in him lol).
Dreamcatcher. In fact, check out the wiki page about Dreamcatcher. Kasdan is quoted in there with something to the effect of how badly that movie damaged his career. Stuff he would've easily been able to do just a few years earlier was no longer on the table. I have to wonder if this wasn't his reason in accepting the assignment.

And frankly, the idea of less Lucas involvement doesn't necessarily thrill me. Lucas had a similar level of participation in Empire and Jedi. He had zero participation in the Holiday Special. So an absentee Lucas is hardly a magic bullet for good Star Wars.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 20:17I have my issues with the prequels too. I hated the Jedi Knights. They sat and meditated through 3 films and trusted an army of lethal Clone Troopers. Kinda stupid, trusting and boring weren't they lol They need to restore the common Rebel Alliance soldier as the "heroes" of Star Wars. The x-wing pilots who fired lasers and photon torpedoes to defeat the enemy. Get rid of the peace loving, mystic Jedi and put the "Wars" back into Star Wars.
To me, that was the whole point. The Jedi Order had long ago given up on their most sacred ideals and got along to get along with the Republic. Screw the will of the Force, they have a position in the social order of things to maintain. Qui-Gon is what the Jedi should have been; Yoda is what they had become.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 20:17On a side note I don't exactly care for the orginal versions of the Star Wars trilogy. I remember how they looked on television back in the early 90's and guys they were dating severly then. Sorry. Jeez remember the orginal Wampa creature you never actually saw? Please don't tell me that wasn't improved. Sure I'd like them available to view as a "dvd extra feature" but I do think George Lucas was right in inproving some effects moments.
Think of it like this. The version of A New Hope that won all those Oscars? It's presently not available in any legitimate home video format. Whether anybody likes it or not, the version of ANH on shelves now isn't the version that won all those Oscars. For historical purposes alone, the oh-riginals should be available to the public. I couldn't care less about Special Ultra Mega Force Unleashed Edition bullsh*t. Just give me the original version of each movie (all six) and I'll be happy as a clam.

You have a point about those Oscars lol When you put it like that....

I can still remember the original ending of Return of the Jedi and how abrupt it all was. And that godawful Ewok music! lol Worse than anything composed by the Gungans. I really want Sebastian Shaw restored to the ending. It was cool seeing Darth Vader as an old man and then they go and turn him "teenage" again! No offence to Hayden Christensen but how on earth would Luke recognise him lol

I saw the special edition of Star Wars with my family back in 1997 so I'll always remember that ressiue with great memories. We decided to give Empire and Jedi a miss though strangely. My dad reasoned it was the 20th anniversary of the original, so they would enchance that the most and therefore be more spectacular. I think he was right, the other two didn't have that many changes but I'd still like to go back and re-experience them at the time also.

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 23:58You have a point about those Oscars lol When you put it like that....
I frequently do. ;)

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 23:58I can still remember the original ending of Return of the Jedi and how abrupt it all was. And that godawful Ewok music! lol Worse than anything composed by the Gungans. I really want Sebastian Shaw restored to the ending. It was cool seeing Darth Vader as an old man and then they go and turn him "teenage" again! No offence to Hayden Christensen but how on earth would Luke recognise him lol
I've not heard any rational explanation for Christensen replacing Shaw in that shot. I'm not saying I'd accept it if one was offered, you understand, but it feels like such an arbitrary change. Beyond that though, Christensen (as much as I think he did a good job in the prequels) has this douchey smirk going the whole time. Shaw seemed genuinely happy and grateful. Watch the look he exchanges with Guiness. I don't know if they were really playing off each other or if their stuff was all shot independently of each other but it at least LOOKS like they're really sharing space with each other and that's what counts. But yeah, how would Luke recognize Christensen as Anakin?

Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Wed, 28 Nov  2012, 23:58I saw the special edition of Star Wars with my family back in 1997 so I'll always remember that ressiue with great memories. We decided to give Empire and Jedi a miss though strangely. My dad reasoned it was the 20th anniversary of the original, so they would enchance that the most and therefore be more spectacular. I think he was right, the other two didn't have that many changes but I'd still like to go back and re-experience them at the time also.
Among the casual moviegoers, yeah, sounds about right. A New Hope seems to be the most universally acclaimed among wide audiences. Empire is the favorite among fans but wide audiences didn't and don't gravitate toward that one as much. So if you and your family skipped the other two, well, that would make a lot of sense.

There's a 3D rerelease of the "original" trilogy coming in 2014. I honestly don't think I'll bother. I don't see the point unless we're talking about the unaltered trilogy. The 2004 DVD's and Blu-Rays are sourced from the same horrible masters. I refer you to for more. Why would I pay movie ticket price to see that kind of crap remastering job? No thanks, chief. Go original or go home.

I have no time for Star Wars any more aside from the original unaltered trilogy. Release those films in Blu-ray and I'll be content.

This sums up my feelings on the matter:

I love the original Star Wars trilogy. Unfortunately Return of the Jedi has come under a lot of fire ever since the special editions and prequel trilogy were released. I think that's largely because of the changes rendered to the 1997 rerelease (especially the awful dance number which completely destroyed the sense of dread permeating the first forty minutes of the original cut) and the structural similarities between it and the prequel films (Ewoks>>>>>>>>Gungans, but that's another topic altogether).

It always surprises me how many young people have never actually seen Richard Marquand's original theatrical cut of Return of the Jedi. They've only ever been exposed to the damaged version, and so it's understandable that they don't like it much. But I think the original cut, while arguably the weakest of the trilogy, is still a great film in its own right. And I'll happily defend it with my dying breath. I won't however defend the special editions or the prequel trilogy.

QuoteOn a side note I don't exactly care for the orginal versions of the Star Wars trilogy. I remember how they looked on television back in the early 90's and guys they were dating severly then.

I have to disagree with you there. Good quality practical effects will always age better than digital effects. Stop motion animation, models, puppets, matte paintings and animatronics all convey a sense of weight and texture that even the most advanced CGI effects simply don't have. That's why Lucas has to constantly redo the digital effects in the special editions whenever he reissues them on DVD.

And they still look fake. Meanwhile the original practical effects look just as good as ever.

Personally I don't have a problem with Lucas doing whatever the hell he wants with the films, just as long as I can watch the original unaltered versions. Obviously adding rocks to the foreground of certain shots has improved the films vastly, and the thousands of dollars it must have cost to make those changes was money well spent.

The Rotten Tomatoes score rose by 3% when critics saw that rock.

The absence of the rock, as well as non-blinking Ewoks, has doubtless haunted Lucas for years. And I'm glad he no longer has to live with his feelings of abandonment. But now that he's "improved" his films can't we have the original versions on Blu-ray too? It just seems absurd that we have one of the most critically acclaimed and commercially successful film trilogies of all time, and a good quality print isn't currently available to the fans. Instead we have to make do with the spoiled versions.

I don't want to degenerate into Lucas-bashing, as the whole "raped my childhood" thing is getting old. But here are some of my favourite Lucas spoofs anyway.

On a positive note, I'm optimistic about the Disney deal and the new trilogy. Finger crossed on that.

Did you ever see The People vs. George Lucas? It's basically a series of interviews with media types and fans who feel disenfranchised. There's a fair amount of angsting in there but at the same time they also raise several good points. The documentary starts off with some dude who's name escapes me saying something like "I love-hate George Lucas. I love-hate him very much." I've heard worse descriptions of any fan's "relationship" with Lucas. Anyway, overall it's worth watching.

I've seen a few clips from The People vs. George Lucas, but I've yet to see the entire movie. I'd be interested to know if Lucas himself has seen it and if so what his reaction was. It seems like he's only recently begun acknowledging the criticism that's been following him for years. I wonder if the film had something to with that. Earlier in the year he stated he wouldn't make any more Star Wars films, saying:

Quote"Why would I make any more, when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?"

In a way I feel sorry for the guy. But at the same time he needs to be aware that while Star Wars is his creation, it's still nevertheless subject to the approval of the public. Like all art, his work's commercial viability is dependent on the patronage of the fans. If they don't want to pay to see his films, then he'll no longer be able to produce them.

QuoteThe documentary starts off with some dude who's name escapes me saying something like "I love-hate George Lucas. I love-hate him very much."

I think that sums up the ambivalent feelings many of us harbour towards Lucas. We admire and respect him for giving us the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones trilogies. But we also resent him for not heeding constructive criticism and repeating the same mistakes over and over. Some of his errors can be dismissed as honest mistakes. But his obstinate refusal to release the unaltered Star Wars trilogy on Blu-ray is, in my opinion, totally inexcusable. It's as though he's doing it on purpose to get back at the fans for all the flack they've given him.