Ratcatcher reference in Batman (1989)?

Started by Silver Nemesis, Mon, 1 Oct 2012, 14:34

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There've been quite a few people on the internet pointing out possible Easter egg references to other comic villains in Nolan's Bat trilogy. But there may actually be one in Batman 89 too.

I was browsing the Wikipedia page for the comic villain Ratcatcher/Otis Flannegan and I found a reference to his costume appearing the 89 film:

QuoteWhile not appearing himself, his "costume" appears in the Armory where Bruce Wayne meets Vicki Vale and Alexander Knox in Batman.

As with many Wikipedia articles, this statement lacks a citation. So it's probably just fan speculation. But I went back and reviewed that scene anyway. Here's Ratcatcher as he appeared in the comics at the time.

And here's the costume in the movie.

Similarities: the gas mask, the cylinder strapped to his back and the green, yellow and red colour scheme.

Differences: he's not carrying an electric light, rat trap or staff like Ratcatcher does in the comics.

It's interesting that the costume in the movie features a gun that's either a flamethrower or gas gun. Ratcatcher in the comics carries a gas gun, though I don't think he'd used it at the time the movie was made. I think it debuted in a later story.

Ratcatcher first appeared in Detective Comics #585, which was published in April 1988. Filming commenced on the movie in October that same year. Could the inclusion of this suit have been a deliberate reference on the part of the wardrobe department/production designers? Or is it just a generic costume that happens to look a bit like the Ratcatcher suit?

Also, check out the costume standing opposite it in the armoury. Could this be a Burtonised version of Kite Man?

Probably not. But I figured it was about time we had a thread about these suits anyway.

Intentional or not, they open up the possibility for some interesting fan fiction. Maybe Burton's Batman had already defeated a few smaller enemies before tackling Grissom's gang. Perhaps he defeated Kite Man and used his equipment as the template for his own glider cape. And his experience of tracking Ratcatcher in the sewers could account for his having a vehicle specially designed for sewer exploration in Batman Returns.

Vin Burham might know...if only we had a contact...

Great stuff, yeah, it looks like what a film version of Ratcatcher could be like.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Mon,  1 Oct  2012, 14:34
Intentional or not, they open up the possibility for some interesting fan fiction. Maybe Burton's Batman had already defeated a few smaller enemies before tackling Grissom's gang. Perhaps he defeated Kite Man and used his equipment as the template for his own glider cape. And his experience of tracking Ratcatcher in the sewers could account for his having a vehicle specially designed for sewer exploration in Batman Returns.
Very nice thinking. That 'Ratcatcher' design has always intrigued me, and made me wonder what person would wear this sort of get-up. And for what reason. They are perfectly legitimate questions to ask yourself. I suppose we can make it whatever we want it to be. They are on the screen for the briefest of moments and spark our imagination. And the thing is, Keaton's Wayne knows because he put it there.