Scenes That Make It Clear That Michelle Pfeiffer Was Using A Stunt Double

Started by lifesabitch, Sat, 4 Aug 2012, 22:37

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A major one I recall is Catwoman cartwheeling through the department. When she jumps, the double's face is clearly visible. Side comment: the heels appear and disappear during the cartwheels. I don't know how that worked. The heels extend and then collapse with each flip.

I only know of one stunt double, but the others I've never been able to find. Who was doing the back flipping?

Does anyone know more about who did Michelle's stunts, and who did what? I wonder if any of them were men.

Michelle did a lot of fighting. I'm glad Burton made an effort to get her face on camera as she was kickboxing the crap out of Batman on the roof.

That recent video posted of the guy who did the costumes likening Michael Keaton using a stunt double whenever he's seen in the costume,  to Michelle supposedly doing the same thing, 'it's never her when you see her in the costume,' sort of ticks me off. It's obvious that she worked her butt off.

Kathy Long - who i believe is a kick boxer - did the fighting for Michelle - though Michelle did a hell of a lot herself.

Saw the scene again. There's a lot of cuts between the cartwheel and Catwoman standing. Was Michelle replaced because the explosion behind was real and only the trained stuntwoman could "handle" it? I can see no other reason since this is the shot where it's most obvious that Catwoman's face is not Michelle's, and no difficult gymnastics are involved: it's just Catwoman standing there for a second before Shreck's Wonderland explodes.


Quote from: lifesabitch on Sat,  4 Aug  2012, 22:37
A major one I recall is Catwoman cartwheeling through the department. When she jumps, the double's face is clearly visible. Side comment: the heels appear and disappear during the cartwheels. I don't know how that worked. The heels extend and then collapse with each flip.

I only know of one stunt double, but the others I've never been able to find. Who was doing the back flipping?

Does anyone know more about who did Michelle's stunts, and who did what? I wonder if any of them were men.

Michelle did a lot of fighting. I'm glad Burton made an effort to get her face on camera as she was kickboxing the crap out of Batman on the roof.

That recent video posted of the guy who did the costumes likening Michael Keaton using a stunt double whenever he's seen in the costume,  to Michelle supposedly doing the same thing, 'it's never her when you see her in the costume,' sort of ticks me off. It's obvious that she worked her butt off.

i f***ing LOVE your screen name!!!

I wouldn't they would allow a star to be in a scene like an explosion SilentEnigma. It is a pretty dangerous stunt

Quote from: SilentEnigma on Sun,  5 Aug  2012, 14:18
Saw the scene again. There's a lot of cuts between the cartwheel and Catwoman standing. Was Michelle replaced because the explosion behind was real and only the trained stuntwoman could "handle" it? I can see no other reason since this is the shot where it's most obvious that Catwoman's face is not Michelle's, and no difficult gymnastics are involved: it's just Catwoman standing there for a second before Shreck's Wonderland explodes.

Holy sh*t! How on Earth did I miss that?!

When they do a sky view of the store exploding, which may or not be real, Catwoman is still standing there. They do a quick cut to Catwoman already climbing up the wall.

An explosion scene is extremely dangerous. I'm sure Keaton wasn't actually standing there either. Maybe they were dummies. lol

God, that person isn't Kathy Long. I guess that's the double that did the backflips. Why didn't she get a credit?

Have you guys seen the heels opening and closing during the cartwheels in the store? I'd love to know how they did that.

BTW, if you have any other caps, post em! I'll take a look at the film again and see if I can catch some. I still can't believe I never saw the stunt double standing there in full view. I wonder if she did the scene where Catwoman falls off the ledge. They showed Burton directing that in one of the specials.

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun,  5 Aug  2012, 17:24
I wouldn't they would allow a star to be in a scene like an explosion SilentEnigma. It is a pretty dangerous stunt

Of course I have no idea how they stage up explosions and the like, but I assumed they can figure ways of having the actual star (and not a stunt) standing in front of an explosion set up in such a way so the explosion looks closer than it actually is. Haven't they got tricks to make things look bigger, smaller, more distant etc? This shot lasts a second, but on BluRay is so obvious!