89 score remaster

Started by illgetdrivethrough, Thu, 2 Aug 2012, 13:13

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How does this sound? Is it really remastered? Is it worth the $29? The iTunes version is so quiet and then you turn it up and when the music kicks in it is too loud.

Same question for the remastered Forever score.

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Well, the remastered 2CD set is now sold out.

As for the sound...the album is 2 albums in 1. A remastered version of the original score release. And a full film score from different sources.

Quality wise the remastered version of the original release is better quality than the whole film score, due to the sources used...however the trade off is previously unreleased music. And there is a lot of it.

It is worth buying...but sadly (or fortunately depending on your pov) it is sold out.

Oh, btw...welcome to the site!

Thanks! Maybe there are some copies of forever still available.

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Quote from: Ill Get Drive-through on Thu,  2 Aug  2012, 13:13
How does this sound? Is it really remastered? Is it worth the $29? The iTunes version is so quiet and then you turn it up and when the music kicks in it is too loud.
As Ral says, it's sold out. But (A) it's definitely worth the money and (B) there's always a chance the success of the thing could inspire a second release. You never know. But (C) if you can't buy it from a store or whatever... well, let's just say there are other methods of distribution these days.

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Thu,  2 Aug  2012, 14:52
Well, the remastered 2CD set is now sold out.
I'm glad I ordered this and the BR score when I did. Of course it's always possible to obtain music on the internet, but there's something special about a physical copy and adding it to your collection.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed,  8 Aug  2012, 02:42I'm glad I ordered this and the BR score when I did. Of course it's always possible to obtain music on the internet, but there's something special about a physical copy and adding it to your collection.
In my opinion, that's truer of movie scores. And from there, it's truer still of movie scores that are actually worth paying money for. And these Burton special edition remasters? They're worth every last penny as far as I'm concerned.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu,  9 Aug  2012, 08:13
In my opinion, that's truer of movie scores. And from there, it's truer still of movie scores that are actually worth paying money for. And these Burton special edition remasters? They're worth every last penny as far as I'm concerned.
Indeed. The movie score becomes a piece of merchandise along with say, the novelisation and making of book.

Elfman's first Batman score was a breakthrough. But the way Elfman took the main theme and made a completely new sound around it (not re-using past material) is even more impressive in terms of lightning striking twice, and following up something great. What makes them so good to me is how Elfman scored them like cartoons. I think he said as much in the Batman Returns special features. He fits a lot of stuff into the tracks, you could be listening to something for one minute and so much variety is going on.

Fri, 7 Sep 2012, 23:59 #8 Last Edit: Sat, 8 Sep 2012, 01:25 by Paul (ral)
Quote from: Ill Get Drive-through on Thu,  2 Aug  2012, 13:13
How does this sound? Is it really remastered? Is it worth the $29?

here is the LaLa Land version of the main theme on YouTube.  Test it out for yourself.

[Link removed. Our policy here is not to post links to files that infringe copyright on La-La Land's projects - Paul]

I don't understand why in today's day and age you remaster a cd then not sell it as a download.


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