Batman (1989) vs Batman Returns

Started by Mothy, Thu, 5 Jun 2008, 09:26

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Which is your favourite?

Batman (1989)
42 (56.8%)
Batman Returns
32 (43.2%)

Total Members Voted: 71

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 31 Oct  2008, 02:52
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Fri, 31 Oct  2008, 00:49which even more makes me believe that if anything this is the "Nolan Haters" board alot of the time which to me is silly.
I don't think it's silly.  Nolan lovers have the run of basically any other forum they ever go to.  BOF is a good example of that.  This joint is dedicated to the Burton films.  The slant is obvious.

I can't speak for members, but the attitude of the site is "burton appreciation, not burton is better". Please keep this thread on topic.

Quote from: raleagh on Fri, 31 Oct  2008, 09:16
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Fri, 31 Oct  2008, 02:52
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Fri, 31 Oct  2008, 00:49which even more makes me believe that if anything this is the "Nolan Haters" board alot of the time which to me is silly.
I don't think it's silly.  Nolan lovers have the run of basically any other forum they ever go to.  BOF is a good example of that.  This joint is dedicated to the Burton films.  The slant is obvious.

I can't speak for members, but the attitude of the site is "burton appreciation, not burton is better". Please keep this thread on topic.

Im glad someone is obviously a mature batman fan on here, I never said one was better than the other, gives me a great laugh if I do say so myself.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

It's a hard choice for me, they're both great in their ways. Batman 89 does seem more sinister/dangerous, but Returns has a lot of new and neat stuff in it including the new vehicles.

Mon, 3 Nov 2008, 00:09 #43 Last Edit: Mon, 3 Nov 2008, 01:58 by Sandman
QuoteFirst off pity yourselves for actually accepting someone using "ite" at the end of a directors name or even mentioning it, that is so silly and childish, it has nothing to do with Christopher Nolan what I said, which even more makes me believe that if anything this is the "Nolan Haters" board alot of the time which to me is silly. Yes it is dedicated to Burtons batman but by no means does that mean it should be ok to literally BASH the other versions

I have never made fun of Nolan or his movies, I really loved The Prestige and Momento is my all time fav movie, but im just not rapped in his Overhyped and Overated Batman films. Like it or not most of the Nolan Batfilm fanbase is a bunch of stupid kids who know nothing of Batman and have nothing better todo then to bash people that love Batman and Batman movies old and new, THEY ARE NOLANITES NOT BATFANS, they prasie nolans as the next coming and it just F'in pathetic.

QuoteIm saying a very obvious fact that many many critics and people in the industry have observed, that BR is a Tim Burton film with Batman characters in it, its much more a Tim Burton film than 89 ( because he was allowed full 100% control on the project) theres only tiny bits shining through that actually feel like batman to me, but that dosent mean I dont love that film, because I most definitly do.

Love it or hate it but don't try and pass it of as somthing it's not. Yes Burton had 100% control over the movie so i guess that makes it a Burton film, and that make's BB & TDK nolan films and Jaws a Spielberg film, any director that makes a movie is there film, Just because BR was darker in tone to and other Batman film doesn't make it any less a BATMAN FILM. The whole "it's not Batman film, its a Burton film" BS and thats what it is utter BS, is just another result of stupid Nolan fans trying to pick on the Burton film's.

QuoteI don't think it's silly.  Nolan lovers have the run of basically any other forum they ever go to.  BOF is a good example of that.  This joint is dedicated to the Burton films.  The slant is obvious.

Don't forget IMDB that's Nolan country.

QuoteIm glad someone is obviously a mature batman fan on here, I never said one was better than the other, gives me a great laugh if I do say so myself.

Say Mature all you want, no one else on here try's to make themself's look like better member by having higher post's and picking on those with lower.

I agree, Sandman.

I hate it when people say BR is not a Batman film at all, and only a Burton film. Sure, Burton had more control, but it was Batman through and through.

Thanks Dude, atleast you get it.

Quote from: Sandman on Mon,  3 Nov  2008, 08:00
Thanks Dude, atleast you get it.
I certainly do. I know what you mean about the Nolan supporters as well, they are crawling on BOF and they are so narrow minded. The Burton films are Batman films as well, yet they hate them. Can't they like both?

Quote from: DarkVengeance on Sat,  1 Nov  2008, 22:12
Im glad someone is obviously a mature batman fan on here, I never said one was better than the other, gives me a great laugh if I do say so myself.

This coming from someone who continues to make inflammatory remarks on a site dedicated to the Burton film's appreciation?

On topic, BR is still better than B89 in my estimation.

Mon, 3 Nov 2008, 16:46 #48 Last Edit: Wed, 5 Nov 2008, 07:19 by batsam
Nolan lovers have the run of basically any other forum they ever go to.  BOF is a good example of that.  This joint is dedicated to the Burton films.  The slant is obvious.

Don't forget IMDB that's Nolan country.

that's sad!!i did not know about it and don't agree to have one preference from fans for one movie or director when we have 4,2
i appreciated nolan batman,very much (specially if you consider the fact that we could have another shumaker director there are may around of that genre),but i don't like the fact that most of the fans pick-up 1 movie of 4 of 2 directors (counting only burton and nolan of course),just because it's the new,speak well about it,and tries to make the others appear like they are a second choice or B movies only because there old

moreover i repeat i liked very much nolan's movies but i think that burton's ones will be rated as classics (if not already) and will have have more longevity on time
Ah, the direct approach. I admire that in a man with a mask

All I know is that I love both interpretations equally, and Ive been a batman fan for 20 years, theres no need to argue about this, people are allowed to like both things and appreciate without bashing the other, not liking something is one thing, but bashing is immature end of story.

Plus maybe I post more because I get interested in these threads, I could care less how many posts you have on here or anywhere else (or what title you have on here I consider all bat-fans equally as long as they've been a fan before 2002). Alot of posts dosent make me respect anyone more or less, you people sometimes should think before you judge me, because it makes you look even more silly than you already do on a normal basis when bashing others.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.