Batman (1989) vs Batman Returns

Started by Mothy, Thu, 5 Jun 2008, 09:26

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Which is your favourite?

Batman (1989)
42 (56.8%)
Batman Returns
32 (43.2%)

Total Members Voted: 71

About the whole darkness thing,what is your opinionand do you feel that B89 is darker than Returns? I would have to go with 89 because it is very atmospheric and sinister.

By the thinnest of margins, B89.  Not a slight against Returns, at all..

I also think that in terms of both movies, Batman feels much more like an epic action movie whereas Returns is a far more personal Tim Burton work. But Batman just screams his style too.

You could also say that Batman 1989 is an art film with Burton the artiste  ;D

My vote would have to be Batman(1989) because Returns feels like I'm
watching Edward Scissorhands, but don't get me wrong, I love Returns,but
89 wins because I feel that it gave Bruce a little more in-depth to his story
than Returns did.^^

I am Vengence,I Am The Night....

I think Returns requires you to draw more of your own conclusions than 89 does - which may lead someone to wonder if they are the right conclusions.

My only problem with Batman is that the movie really should've been called Joker as Batman is really not the main character.

Batman's presence is felt in every scene, even if he's not actually in it.  Burton wanted to create a sense of mystique about the character by not constantly following him around.  Also, B89 is about how Batman and the Joker, different though they are, could be seen as two sides of the same coin.  I liked that aspect of things.

I love the whole exchange between Batman and Joker at the cathedral. I thought it was a nice touch the fact that they were each other's creators.

I like Batman 1989 for the gothism, the tone, the way Burton pictured Gotham City, and the movie itself. I like Batman Returns a TAD bit better, for the fact that it takes place during Christmas time. And, I'm a sucker for Christmas movies. It just gives a bit more edge to me that it's Christmas time, and that's my favorite holiday.
*Wipes blood off of Newspaper*
-Winged freak TERRORIZES? Wait'll they get a load of me.