The Ultimate Burton/Keaton/Elfman BATMAN 3 Thread! [PEASE READ]

Started by Rebel, Sat, 9 Jun 2012, 22:43

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Greetings Everyone!

Before deleting this post or merging it with the countless other "Batman 3" related topics, I ask if Paul or another mod could please merge some or all other Batman 3 related threads, posts. and/or topics here, as well as sticky this thread in order to organize and consolidate all related materiel regarding this subject materiel. I searched this forum extensively and didn't find any definitave thread collecting all of the aforementioned messages on Batman 3.

Tim Burton's BATMAN 3

Personally, I believe Tim Burton's two Batman films were by far the best. Many of us fans really wish that Tim Burton, Michael Keaton, and Danny Elfman (with a minor role from Michelle Pfeifer and Billy Dee Williams) would return one more time for their vision of a third Batman film (a direct sequel to Burton's 'Batman Returns'). It likely wouldn't happen, but with 'Rises' ending Nolan's series of bat-films, what better time for Burton/Keaton/Elfman to come back and do one more Batman to complete their own trilogy. With enough requests from fans and a consistant bombarding of the WB's offices, some dreams may come true, right? Paul, we seriously need you to interview Burton, Keaton, and/or Elfman about this! Clint Eastwood- rising in age- came back out of 'retirement' (so to speek) to be that "bad-ass cowboy" figure in Unforgiven. Despite his age, Harrison Ford dusted off his fedora and whip to play Indiana Jones nearly 20 years after "Last Crusade." The concept, if done right, works in storytelling. And it could work perfectly if Keaton were to dust off his batsuit one more time- many years after "Returns."

I know this topic has been addressed many times, but give this some serious thought. As evidenced by "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," an enormous amount of viewers would pay money to see a movie for nostalga alone. I feel that if we all truly brainstorm how to get these desire's of a third Batman film from Burton, we could make some sort of difference. At the very least, with some passionate effort, we could get our ideas to any or all of the aforementioned people- which perhaps- could get them to consider the idea(s) and possibly even get discussions rolling about this. Who really wants another Batman reboot with Nolan's putting an end to his own reboot in July?

I this Burton/Keaton, and fans of their Bat-flicks deserve closure before anyone does yet another reboot of the franchise. This may have not worked in the last 20 years (due to the conflict Burton had with WB at the time, and the enormous success of Nolan's reboot), but I truly believe it's the perfect time to this now, for many reasons:

1) The Dark Knight Rises come out next month and it will be the end of Nolan's vision of the Bat.
2) The world loved Burton's films and greatly miss his vision of the Bat.
3) Nostalga attracts moviegoers!
4) The gap between Batman Returns and a potentiel direct sequel makes sense when factoring in Keaton's age. Again, look how commercially successful Indy 4 was? The world really missed Indiana Jones, and paid good money to see Spielberg/Harrison reprise the roles that made us fans fall in love with many years ago.
5) With a little inspiration from Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns," Batman Beyond," a well thought-out story, a well written script, and an insane amount of clever marketing and promotion, as well as getting the word out there by fans, the hype machine will start rolling and growing over the next few years, which will also give everyone involved plenty of time to think about their next reboot.
6) Another reboot will take a good amount of time, so in the mean-time, WB should tie the fans over with one more Batman tale from Mr. Burton (we need closure!).
7) If WB sees the desire us fans have for this notion, and continuously hears/sees our requests for this to happen, they would  be more inclined to atleast start talks with Burton on one more movie. Indy 4 started with just some fans asking Spielberg if he'd make another Indy- which led Spielberg and Lucas to start talking- which led Harrison Ford to start talking to Spielberg and Lucas, which ultimately led to what we all now know as Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull!

Imagine the possibilities if enough requests and inquireries reached Tim Burton and Michael Keaton...
Imagine the hype that would build if anything were to come out of this...
Imagine sitting in a dark movie theatre and hearing Danny Elfman's infamous score start playing through the speakers again!
Imagine us recieving closure on Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman and her relationship with Bruce Wayne...
Imagine Billy Dee Williams portraying the role of Two-Face as he was promiced...
Imagine the possibility of Scarecrow being in the potentiel film and having a scene where he causes Batman to hallucinate (cameo from Jack Nicoleson's Joker anybody????
Speaking of Scarecrow, who better than Burton to whow us his version of such a creepy character? (I'm thinking Jeff Goldblum for the role).
Perhaps Robin Williams could finally show us what he'd do with the Riddler role?

Please fellow Batman fans, let's organize all of our posts relating to Batman 3 in this thread to make it easier to search topics related to this. Let us brainstorm together and really put in the effort to see what it would take to help get these ideas to the powers-that-be. Let us try and make this dream a reality, the best way we can. And most importantly, lets have fun and spread the word :D.

I love this forum and love what you all have done with this magnificent site. Let's try and bring back the excitement and anticipation we all shared in 1989 and 1992- and keeo it here :)


There is a feature that collates all the known and credible rumours about Batman 3. I will get it relaunched soon.

I don't think a film will ever happen. In fact I would prefer the next Bat flicks to be closer to events in recent years comics.

I will create a Burton Batman 3 board and gather all related threads in it. Perhaps a Facebook page would gather more support?

Given B89 and BR are so good, it's somehow hard to imagine a third Burton Batman film. And I know that's just because one never happened. It's like if Burton only did B89, and we were trying to imagine how a sequel would stack up to it.

in all likelyhood  the dark knight returns treatment is being saved for a chance to cram nolan's overbearing crap into my face 20 years from now. until then i doubt they'll do any more live action batman movies. the fanbase is too rabid and stupid.

I think TDK Rises will contain a lot of TDK Returns influences, therefore he's essentially making it right here and now.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Mon, 11 Jun  2012, 04:18
in all likelyhood  the dark knight returns treatment is being saved for a chance to cram nolan's overbearing crap into my face 20 years from now. until then i doubt they'll do any more live action batman movies. the fanbase is too rabid and stupid.

WB will do more Batman sooner than that.  Even Nolan thinks so.
Big companies don't worry that much about the fanbase because they're a very small slice of the market.

Don't be surprised if another Batman movie moves into production next year. JLA movie on the works. Man of Steel out next year. It's coming.

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sat,  9 Jun  2012, 23:25
There is a feature that collates all the known and credible rumours about Batman 3. I will get it relaunched soon.

I don't think a film will ever happen. In fact I would prefer the next Bat flicks to be closer to events in recent years comics.

I will create a Burton Batman 3 board and gather all related threads in it. Perhaps a Facebook page would gather more support?

The facebook page is a great idea. The more mediums of exposure, the better!

And as a reminder to everyone reading, this is for the love of Tim Burton's vision of Batman... not neccissarily a general rejuvinating of a Batman franchise... BUT Burton's take on it... as if it was a direct sequel to Batman Returns. :D

I saw a video online of a script review just passing along what i saw;

-it seems like it would have been more like a 'who done it' murder mystery. The riddler would have been the main antagonist with Catwoman and Harvey Dent both playing characters whom are more anti-heroes. They are against each other but the question would be who was good, who was bad
-Chase Meridian was in the script (and I believe this as Renne Russo was cast prior to Keaton leaving), her role was not as prominent but she gets murdered with Catwoman getting accused of killing her and denying
-arkham asylum is brought in
-as mentioned Robin was to be brought in as a mechanic (interesting because in Batman Forever, it does develop Dick Grayson as having an excellent knowledge of engines but it seems Burton wanted this to be a bigger plot point).
-the scarring of Harvey Dent does occur very late in the film (implying to be a lead in for the fourth film)
-like Batman Forever, the setting was hallowe'en with wayne manor getting broken into as well as the bat cave
-one of the latest scenes involved Batman trapping Catwoman; they kiss under the moon before catwoman hears a click behind her, realizing Bruce was handcuffing her and turning her in for the murder of Meridian
-Catwoman/selina and Robin did not get along and did have a fight

Overall I have mixed feelings. As mentioned Tim Burton did portray both his films very different. The first was portrayed as a crime drama, the second was more like a horror/fantasy, it seems the third would have been a mystery type which would have been interesting, Burtons overall film body of work s very creative but never seems to be credited as being 'smart'. I'm kind of glad Catwoman was not used again, it would have been heavily restrictive to have an opponent know Bruce Wayne's identity and if you believe he would have turned her in at the end, that leaves many questions of 'will she squeal on him?' Also the Robin treatment seems like it would have been poor; to his credit Joel Schumacher handled Dick Grayson perfectly in batman forever (i'm not going to touch the 4th film though). The origin is done properly and he ties it in with Bruce's journey. It was a great scene between Bruce and Dick when Bruce finally accepts him as his partner "two against two are better odds"

That being said if i were in charge of WB right now (I can dream can't I), my top two choices for what to do next with batman would be either arkham asylum or bring back Burton for his third film as a follow up to batman returns. I'm actually mildly curious to see how Schumacher would do if he were given carte blanche to do a sequel to batman and robin and have a darker film  but let's face it he probably never would touch a comic film again as his entire legacy as a director is tarnished by one film and you could only imagine the fan reaction if he were signed for another batman film.