A New Blog Focusing On The Film

Started by Kamdan, Fri, 10 Feb 2012, 08:22

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Thanks for posting, James!

I remember this magazine being one of those I didn't get the chance to pick up as a kid, but had always hoped I would happen upon it sometime, which never happened. Once I got on the net in '98, I found it on eBay and finally got it. Wish I would have been able to get it back in '89 though. I'm sure I would have read this beauty numerous times over!

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Mon, 12 Aug  2013, 16:33
I have 2 copies of that mag :-)

It was the first magazine I transcribed onto the site all those 11 or so years ago

Quote from: The Joker on Mon, 12 Aug  2013, 16:35
Thanks for posting, James!

I remember this magazine being one of those I didn't get the chance to pick up as a kid, but had always hoped I would happen upon it sometime, which never happened. Once I got on the net in '98, I found it on eBay and finally got it. Wish I would have been able to get it back in '89 though. I'm sure I would have read this beauty numerous times over!

This issue of Cinefantastique, the Cinefex mag, and the movie souvenir magazine were my reading articles of choice for pretty much the entire second half of '89. I took those things EVERYWHERE. :)

And while I'm here... a new update!

The stigma of the 60's show permeates today's "Vintage Newspaper Clipping" post at the blog, as the March 4, 1989 edition of the Salinas Claifornian examines the "Holy Trend Batman..."

You can read the rest here: http://www.1989batman.com/2013/08/vintage-newspaper-clipping-salinas_16.html

Check out my blog focusing on the 1989 Batman film: http://www.1989batman.com/

Cool stuff.

Oh, and I enjoyed the review of 'Knock Out Joker' on your youtube channel. Been waiting on that one, and was actually going to suggest it, but was pleasantly surprised when I was checking my youtube subscriptions the other day, and saw the review was up!

Any chance of the 1st Joker figure from the 1989 Batman toy line getting a review? That one, more so than others, was pretty much THE Joker figure during my childhood. And this is coming from a guy who did have the Super Powers Joker figure prior. It holds alot of nostalgic value to me, and that's the reason I ask.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Thanks man! :)

I am in the same boat as you... For years, the Toy Biz Joker was my '89 Joker (though I too had the Super Powers version), so even though it doesn't quite stand up to the Kenner versions quality-wise, it still holds a special place for me. He will definitely be reviewed in the coming weeks as we just decided this past weekend to start doing the Toy Biz stuff (we did Bob the Goon first). It will probably be all Kenner next week, but TB Joker will be coming up soon after that. :)

Check out my blog focusing on the 1989 Batman film: http://www.1989batman.com/

Cool! Thanks! Looking forward to it, as well as the Toy Biz figures (just watched the one for Bob).

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

2 new posts to link up...

First- Let's see what the "World of Fandom" magazine had to say about Batman '89 in their 7th issue...

Read the rest here: http://www.1989batman.com/2013/08/vintage-magazine-article-world-of.html

And next, here's a fascinating article on Batman's 50 year history and how it influenced the '89 film from New York's Daily News Magazine-

You can the read the rest of that one here: http://www.1989batman.com/2013/08/vintage-newspaper-clipping-new-yorks.html

Check out my blog focusing on the 1989 Batman film: http://www.1989batman.com/

New "Vintage Magazine Article" posting at the site! Today's post features an interview with Bob Kane from the July '92 issue of Comics Scene Spectacular! Bob explains his various contributions to the Burton films in this article... though he also claims to have had an affair with Marilyn Monroe and doesn't seem to understand why Frank Miller didn't draw Batman like him in Dark Knight Returns, so who really knows what was going on here. :)

You can read the rest here and decide how much you'd like to believe: http://www.1989batman.com/2013/08/vintage-magazine-article-comics-scene.html

...and yeah- Despite the cover, there is basically nothing on Pfeiffer's Catwoman in the issue.

Check out my blog focusing on the 1989 Batman film: http://www.1989batman.com/

Thanks again for these articles James.  :)

Didn't Bob Kane say he dated Marilyn Monroe whilst she was still 'Norma Jean' and that he partly based Vicki Vale on her look?  I don't think Kane is suggesting he had an affair with Monroe after she became famous but with Kane you never know what's true...
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Fri, 23 Aug 2013, 16:49 #38 Last Edit: Fri, 23 Aug 2013, 17:10 by 1989Batmancom
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Fri, 23 Aug  2013, 16:40
Thanks again for these articles James.  :)

Didn't Bob Kane say he dated Marilyn Monroe whilst she was still 'Norma Jean' and that he partly based Vicki Vale on her look?  I don't think Kane is suggesting he had an affair with Monroe after she became famous but with Kane you never know what's true...

You are very welcome! :)

as for Kane/Monroe... he states in the article that it was right around the time she transitioned into Marilyn... but who knows. He also states seeing her in '43 and '49 in Hollywood. In 1943, Marilyn Monroe still went by Norma Jeane... but she was also 17, was not a model or anybody known, she was married, and she was not living in Hollywood. If it was '49 that he referred to as the time of their relationship, she would have already become Marilyn Monroe.

Heck, we also don't even know how much of a hand Kane had in the penciling or writing for Vicki Vale's debut in Batman issue #49, so who knows who really designed her or what she was based off of.

I guess it all depends on when, where, and who he was telling the story to. ;)

Check out my blog focusing on the 1989 Batman film: http://www.1989batman.com/

Fri, 23 Aug 2013, 19:40 #39 Last Edit: Fri, 23 Aug 2013, 19:42 by SilentEnigma
(As much as I loath incredibly lame and very obvious puns, Kane deserved the cane. One guy was deprived of his credit as a Batman co-creator/contributor, the other had the luxury of telling tall tales about Marilyn Monroe.. It's always two things,  double standards and the failure to give credit to those that deserve it, that can really set some people off...)