Batman Returns underrated?

Started by DarkKnight357, Sun, 18 May 2008, 21:26

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Fri, 23 Jan 2009, 20:41 #30 Last Edit: Mon, 23 Feb 2009, 15:59 by The Batman Returns
It's a shame we couldn't get a flashback of Bruce attending universities & traveling around the world to learn various martial arts (one of Returns' very few flaws). We would've seen it in Burton's Batman 3 (according to a Keaton interview, he wanted that to happen), but instead we got Forever & ...gulp... Batman & Robin (:P).

Even Schumacher had originally wanted to do Batman: Year One. Forever was very production and WB influenced, and Batman and Robin was pretty much all their influence. As soon as Batman Forever was out of theaters, WB just wanted to rush another one into production as quick as they could.

There is no doubt about it, Batman Returns is underrated. However, the 1989 Batman film is even more underrated.
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

You don't think that the Schumacher films are the most underrated Joker89. Or do you think they're the most hated? While Forever was more mainstream & kid-friendly, it had some dark themes & was at least entertaining. B & R was basically just comedy inside a disco ball (all of that neon & flashy characters). The Nolan films remind me of crime/suspense films more than a Batman film. It's just so sad that these people don't realize that BATMAN & Batman Returns are films that actually capture the essence of the Batman universe. Tim Burton personally felt connected to Batman, & while he added his touch to B89 & Returns, they still were Batman films. As I like to say: Burton + Batman = best live action Batman films ever! ;D

I like Batman Forever, and I think it is very underrated as well.
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

Yeah I think Forever gets a worse rap-sheet then it deserves. For example, so many people bicker about Chris O'donnel as Robin, but seriously, who else would you have picked? Leo Decaprio, Mcaully Culkin? I know, I can't spell, but seriously, O'donnel was probably the best if not the only choice for that role.

Batman Returns is awesome. Though of late it seems the fanbase has decided they can only like one set of films by one director, and therefore must hate all that has gone before. That is mighty annoying.

Fri, 30 Jan 2009, 06:13 #37 Last Edit: Fri, 30 Jan 2009, 21:01 by The Batman Returns
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 30 Jan  2009, 06:09
Batman Returns is awesome. Though of late it seems the fanbase has decided they can only like one set of films by one director, and therefore must hate all that has gone before. That is mighty annoying.

These people follow only one set of films? What the hell is up w/ this!? Monotheism perhaps? :-\

Batman Returns is an excellent film and I must say one of th best sequels ever made! Recently I have been searching for reviews of BR and found that people started to look back on it because of Nolan's most recent Batman films and I was pleased that more people seem to like it or gravitate to it more. One professional reviewer admitted that he was too harsh on the film when he first reviewed it back in '92. Burton's layered story seems to now be more understood and loved.

Is it still underrated? Maybe for some, but it seems to be coming into its own where people are liking it more now than ever.

Quote from: Grissom on Fri, 30 Jan  2009, 20:16
Batman Returns is an excellent film and I must say one of th best sequels ever made! Recently I have been searching for reviews of BR and found that people started to look back on it because of Nolan's most recent Batman films and I was pleased that more people seem to like it or gravitate to it more. One professional reviewer admitted that he was too harsh on the film when he first reviewed it back in '92. Burton's layered story seems to now be more understood and loved.

Is it still underrated? Maybe for some, but it seems to be coming into its own where people are liking it more now than ever.

BR isn't a sequel, as Burton says (& I do agree). Anyway, it paved way for The Dark Knight. W/O BR, TDK would've most likely had a backlash from soccer mommies. People may deny it, but they sure as hell know it's true.