What would Batman TAS look like if it was digitally restored?

Started by eledoremassis02, Wed, 23 Nov 2011, 06:27

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I read somewhere that Bruce Timm refuses to restore TAS because it would loose something. While I agree with him 100%, I wonder what it would look like so I found some animation cels and did some photoshoping

I guess it gives it the look of an older show by not restoring it. It always would be nice to have it as an option, though. Some episodes do have some quality issues, but fortunately aren't too distracting.

I think the show does need an HD release, if only for the fact that Warner Home Video's compression artefacts on the existing TAS releases leaves a lot of jagged edges on the picture. :-/

Since the show's cels were shot on film, Warners could do an HD remaster, and it would still retain natural grain and some dirt. All they'd have to do is located the original photographic negatives.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton