B89's top 5 best scenes

Started by Paul (ral), Tue, 13 May 2008, 16:18

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Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Tue, 21 Apr  2009, 20:05
Quote from: batass4880 on Tue, 21 Apr  2009, 19:42
I love the scene at Vicki's apartment when the three main characters are there. Very film noir.

Have to agree. The best part of the scene was "Let's get nuts", because not only was it  funny, awesome, & frightening, but it seemed like Keaton showed some of his Beetlejuice portrayal, as well (got to love Burton's references to his past films). 8)

Hell yeah, Keaton is amazing in this scene!  Ironically, this is one of the most hated scenes for some that don't like Keaton's "off-beat" Bruce Wayne.  ;D

My top 5:
1 - "I'm Batman!"
2 - Ending scene
3 - Joker's reveal
4 - The Museum escape/ Batmobile chase
5 - Batman and Joker meet in the cathedral
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

Sat, 9 May 2009, 21:22 #22 Last Edit: Sun, 10 May 2009, 02:35 by johnnygobbs
My Top 5 Scenes

1) 'The Flashback' with Hugo Blick as Jack 'The Joker' Napier, and Keaton dealing with these memories.
2) 'The Cathedral Fight' especially thanks to Elfman's grandiose score during the fight - basically everything from Batman's fight with the black guy leading up to "Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight" before he whacks Napier.
3) 'The Confrontation at Vicki's Apartment' - especially when Wayne recounts a little story about a guy he knows called Jack ("Mean kid.  Bad Seed.  Hurt people." "I like the guy already!" ;D)
4) 'The Art Gallery' - thanks again Jack!
5) 'The Parade Scene' - Jack dancing along to Prince just as he's about to gas the entire street is so infectious; even though he's the bad guy, and you've got to hate him, he's sure fun to watch.

This is difficult and I've had to leave out a lot of my other favourite scenes (such as the Batmobile's 'descent into mystery' and Grissom's death among others) and to be honest, my list could easily change from week to week.  Still the scenes I have suggested are either the most fun for me to watch, or in the case of #1 the most touching and powerful.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Let's switch things up.

How about listing your top 5 'less liked' scenes.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun, 10 May  2009, 01:40
Let's switch things up.

How about listing your top 5 'less liked' scenes.

Hmmm, this should have its own topic, if you ask me.

Okey dokey, I'll see to it.  ;)

1. The meeting of the crime bosses - I love the creepiness of that scene especially when Joker talks to the burned corpse

2. Batman stealing Joker's balloons

3. The drive to the batcave - spooky and operatic

4. Gallery

5. Axis Chemicals showdown

1.  The final fight between Batman and Joker at the end, short, but great

2. The flight to the crash

3. The apartment scene

4. Batman comes through the Museum window

5. The start, "I'm Batman"

batman staring at the batsignal they should've put it in returns 1 day i will remake that scene
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light