B89's top 5 best scenes

Started by Paul (ral), Tue, 13 May 2008, 16:18

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05- "I'm glad you're dead!"
04- Batman taking down the two crooks in the beginning (the whole scene)
03- Axis Chemical fight (seemed taken right out of Detec #27 in places)
02- Flashback to Wayne murders- very operatic
01- Descent Into Mystery (but I'm a sucker for these kinds of scenes)

Tue, 21 Apr 2009, 12:23 #11 Last Edit: Tue, 21 Apr 2009, 12:25 by The Dark Knight
I'm only allowed to list 5....this is mighty tough.

1. 'I'm Batman' opening scene
2. Descent into Mystery and Batcave
3. Suit up montage and blowing up Axis Chemicals
4. Cathedral climb and subsequent fights
5. Axis Chemicals

Tue, 21 Apr 2009, 14:10 #12 Last Edit: Tue, 21 Apr 2009, 14:14 by silenig
Descent into Mystery - the music MAKES the scene, but it's maybe the single most "Dracula" Batman moment.

Batman enters the Cathedral - the Joker reaches the belfry. I have a soft spot for the whole Cathedral sequence.

Some daytime exchanges between Gough and Keaton when Bruce Wayne looks up Napier's file and they talk a bit about Vicky Vale ("if not now, when?") - I simply love the way Keaton plays Wayne as someone that is both an intelligent guy and at the same time a little "off", as well as Gough's Alfred as someone Bruce can always rely on to say and do the right thing.

"It's Your Uncle Bingo, Time to Pay the Cheque" - the whole sequence with the mob guys being interviewed while the mimes circle the plaza, and then the Joker appears to deliver the "punchline", is for me one of the finest on-screen Joker moments. Elfman's cue when he delivers the line also works fantastic with the scene.

"Winged freak... terrorizes... wait till they get a load of me". Nuff said. I find this short moment hysterical,  and it could work only with someone like Jack saying it.

There's several more, but I can pick only 5... Moments like Batman's or the Joker's first appearances are faves as well.

Tue, 21 Apr 2009, 16:32 #13 Last Edit: Tue, 21 Apr 2009, 16:35 by Dark Knight Detective
Hmmm.... tough choices :-\:

1) The Cathedral sequence

2) Batman's first scene

3) The whole parade sequence

4) The flashback to the Waynes' murders

5) The electrocution of Rotelli

Too many classic scenes....just too many.

I love the scene at Vicki's apartment when the three main characters are there. Very film noir.

Quote from: batass4880 on Tue, 21 Apr  2009, 19:42
I love the scene at Vicki's apartment when the three main characters are there. Very film noir.

Have to agree. The best part of the scene was "Let's get nuts", because not only was it  funny, awesome, & frightening, but it seemed like Keaton showed some of his Beetlejuice portrayal, as well (got to love Burton's references to his past films). 8)

Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Tue, 21 Apr  2009, 20:05
Quote from: batass4880 on Tue, 21 Apr  2009, 19:42
I love the scene at Vicki's apartment when the three main characters are there. Very film noir.

Have to agree. The best part of the scene was "Let's get nuts", because not only was it  funny, awesome, & frightening, but it seemed like Keaton showed some of his Beetlejuice portrayal, as well (got to love Burton's references to his past films). 8)

Keaton improved pretty much 90% of that scene...totally threw me off guard when I saw the movie the 1st time...never saw it coming

Wed, 22 Apr 2009, 21:49 #18 Last Edit: Sat, 25 Apr 2009, 20:50 by gordonblu
Let's see...

1. Batman's introduction to the two thugs

2. The first Axis encounter

3. Joker and the mob (and the roasted dude)

4. Descent into Mystery

5. Waltz to the Death

It is very hard to pick just five. It would be hard to pick just ten too!

Let's do the other films!

Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

1) The first and still the most bad-ass "I'm Batman" line ever to be heard by human ears.

2) BW brooding in the cave while Joker makes his TV announcement, then puts it on pause on the monitor, then puts the pieces together.

3) The wild visit at Vicki Vale's apartment by both BW and then the Joker. Keaton was superb in his babbling, then went so "nuts" and the Joker was sinisterly goofy.

4) The conversation in the bell tower sequence once Batman has the Joker in his grasp and they're face to face.

5) Joker's conversation with the fried body of Tony. The only way to describe this scene is straight up crazy!