B89's top 5 best scenes

Started by Paul (ral), Tue, 13 May 2008, 16:18

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list your top 5 scenes from Batman 89. These are mine:

1.  In the Axis chemical factory, Batman swoops down and catches a hood with his line.  As the hood swings from the railing, Gordon looks up in sudden realisation - "Oh....my....god"

2.  The Joker has his bandages removed to the horror of his plastic surgeon - "oh my god"

3.  Alfred tries to get through to Bruce. As Bruce picks up the file on his parents Alfred starts to bite his finger nail. His face is stern. This small jesture is most un-gentleman like and enough to tell Bruce he is annoyed.  Promting Bruce to ask "What's on your mind Alfred?"
"I have no wish to fill my few remaining years grieving for the loss of old friends...or their sons"

4.  "i'm melting" - "Boo" - CRASH.....need I say more?

5.  Batman enters the bell-tower.  As he walks around his cloak swings and drapes around him.  He is not in a good mood - that is my Batman  ;D

Opening scene with the thugs. "I'm Batman."

Axis scene with Jack. "Nice outfit."

Alley fight scene with the Jokers men.

The Batmobile scene. Decent into Mystery!!

The ending scene with Bats standing on the rooftop with symbol shining.

The ending scene has always been my fav part of Batman 89. But I also like Joker's defeat.

Perhaps we should state all our favourite scenes.

Once we have them, we should have a poll to see what is the most popular scene from B89.

my fav is the alley fight hands down

This is tough, the movie is littered with great moments.

In no order:

The cathedral stair climb and following fights.
'I am Batman'.
Descent into mystery sequence and the Batcave scene.
The brief suiting up scene, remote control Batmobile blowing up Axis Chemicals.
The final shot of Batman on the rooftop against the signal.

1.  "I'm Batman."
2.  End sequence.
3.  Descent into mystery.
4.  Batman crashing through the ceiling of the museum.
5.  Batwing silouetted against the moon.
I appreciate ALL dark, serious, and faithful Batman films.

5.Batwing against the moon.
4.The fight between Joker and Batman in the bell tower
3.Batman standing on ledge with the bat symbol at the end
2.Batwing heading for the Joker, Joker doesn't move and says "come to me"
An my fav
1."Hello, Vinny. It's your Uncle Bingo. Time to pay the check!"

1."Hello, Vinny. It's your Uncle Bingo. Time to pay the check!"  :)

Yeah the Joker in Batman had some amazing one-liners. In fact, i think he had all the best one-liners. "This town needs an enema" is a favourite of mine

After reading this I just realised I have too many! I cant pick 5!