Catwoman Revealed

Started by The Dark Knight, Fri, 5 Aug 2011, 08:27

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I added some of the photos to our news page earlier

I think she looks pretty good!

She looks much better, but I still dont see why she couldn't just have cat ears, instead of "metaphorical" cat ears by flipping the visor up. The mask does look good, and so does the rest of her. She better evokes "Catwoman" that way.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

I get that they think the more comic-booky look is silly, but I believe this is even worse. It's ironic. Going balls out with the look and feel to the city and costumes just seems less idiotic and zany than establishing an ultra realistic Gotham then limping around these muted costume designs, obviously, obviously embarrassed. This muffled Catwoman costume is proof positive. Two-Face in Batman Forever wouldn't get as many laughs as that suit/mask. I'm not being sarcastic. I think it's the lack of immersion in the Nolan movies, and, to reiterate, that Nolan's mortification at the notion of having to do anything that resembles a comic-book, is what makes the whole notion of Batman seem sillier than it would in a place with giant naked statues. Know what I mean?

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sun, 25 Sep  2011, 17:44
I think she looks pretty good!
She's trained for the role and all of her glory is on show. I like her, and have respect for her. Any criticism I shout out is no way connected to her. Regarding the 'ears', well, what do we really expect? This is Nolan. He has established this world and for better of worse (worse in my view) he has to stick to it. He started it, and it's all going to end soon. And hey, I hope the movie blows me away. The tone, like the ears, is just not my preferred choice. It will have to do. It's something different, I guess. But as Gotham Knight was getting at - because Nolan skirts around the pure comic look, anything that crosses the line a tad becomes silly and out of place, eg. wearing those heeled boots.

I was somewhat miffed when the official picture by Warners with Selina on the bike was put out, but now that I see how the goggles go up, I'm fine with the costume. I still don't know why we must have "practical" and "realistic" reasons for such things as the ears on these suits, but hey, she's got the classic Newmar look, so I'll drop that. I just want to know now if they're keeping the whip as her weapon.

But I've always been less concerned with how Catwoman will look or how well Anne Hathaway will do than I am with how well she'll be written. If the Michael Bays (and whoever's taken over the Catwoman monthly) of the world have the problem of turning women into nothing but pre-teen sexual fantasies, Christopher Nolan suffers from a common problem on the opposite end of the spectrum: ignoring (or just being oblivious) to the differences between men and women altogether to the point where female characters seem to be written as men. I think Nolan's best female character was Marion Cotillard's part in Inception - and that "character" was a figment of someone else's subconscious.

Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

And as in depth as ever!  ;)

Not earth shattering or anything, but Michelle Pfeiffer was asked about what she thinks about Hathaway as Catwoman:

Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?