Catwoman Revealed

Started by The Dark Knight, Fri, 5 Aug 2011, 08:27

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Quote from: Gotham Knight on Thu, 11 Aug  2011, 23:33
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 11 Aug  2011, 21:26
A few weeks ago Kevin tweeted:

Whadda guy. A terrific Batman and an all round class act.

QuoteI wonder if he reads the forums....?

I knew that CONROY SUCKS thread was a bad idea. ::)

Holy crap...

Holy crap indeed.

Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Mon, 15 Aug  2011, 10:19
And no problem with Batman fighting in the daylight. If something bad enough happened, Batman would be damn stupid not to show up. He ain't gonna let people die just because the sun's up.
Yes, I get that, but just like how Catwoman doesn't look like Catwoman, Batman fighting during the day is another aesthetic choice that Nolan has dropped the ball on, once again.

Nice to see you here Travesty. You're a voice of reason on SHH. I'm mcallima over there.
— Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc. —

Quote from: Travesty on Mon, 15 Aug  2011, 17:55
Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Mon, 15 Aug  2011, 10:19
And no problem with Batman fighting in the daylight. If something bad enough happened, Batman would be damn stupid not to show up. He ain't gonna let people die just because the sun's up.
Yes, I get that, but just like how Catwoman doesn't look like Catwoman, Batman fighting during the day is another aesthetic choice that Nolan has dropped the ball on, once again.

I don't see how. It's right for any version of Batman to fight during the day if the stakes are high enough. There was an entire (scripted) sequence cut from B89 that depicts Batman chasing down and confronting the Joker during late afternoon.

I have no problem with lobbying complaints at Nolan, but that ain't one to lobby. That'd be like complaining about him making Batman bother to try and even care. What kind of hero would Batman be if he saw something that required his help during the day and he didn't show simply because the sun was up? That's not Batman at all.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

DocLathropBrown, this is an instance when realism gets in the way of good storytelling. Does crime happen during the day? Of course. But in a movie, crime happens whenever the director wants. Daylight just doesn't suit the aesthetics of the Batman. It highlights the ridiculousness of the character (not to mention Nolan's Batsuit).
— Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc. —

Tue, 16 Aug 2011, 15:04 #45 Last Edit: Tue, 16 Aug 2011, 15:06 by The Dark Knight
Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Tue, 16 Aug  2011, 08:29
What kind of hero would Batman be if he saw something that required his help during the day and he didn't show simply because the sun was up? That's not Batman at all.
Well, I think he'd do something similar ala TDK, where he gets Alfred on the computer and gives him orders to relay messages, goes out in the Lambo to scope out the situation and has the crash to stop Reese's death, etc. And then there's the scene where he goes out on the bike as Bruce, discovers the tied up guards, etc. I personally do not see Batman going out in daylight. I don't think he'd feel comfortable doing it, and he would work around it somehow. He is a terrible thought that comes out night, and the image cannot be tainted. It just wouldn't have the same effect. And McAllister, indeed. I agree with your thoughts.

You people are misunderestimating Bane. Bane's deliberately doing what he's doing in the daylight to draw Batman out of his natural element to put him at a disadvantage.

I never thought I'd be defending Nolan, but there you go.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Quote from: McAllister on Tue, 16 Aug  2011, 14:56
DocLathropBrown, this is an instance when realism gets in the way of good storytelling. Does crime happen during the day? Of course. But in a movie, crime happens whenever the director wants. Daylight just doesn't suit the aesthetics of the Batman. It highlights the ridiculousness of the character (not to mention Nolan's Batsuit).
This is more or less what I was getting at. My point is, Batman fights at night, and like The Dark Knight said, Bruce can still work during the day like he did in TDK, but he does it as Bruce. He can still be a hero during the day as Bruce/Matches Malone, but coming out during the day as Batman is a bit out of place. "Bats are nocturnal".

I get what you're saying about Bane being such a threat, that he brings Batman out during the day, but again, that was Nolan's choice to do that, and one aesthetic that I don't like. Batman fights at night, and it just looks out of place and silly when he comes out during the day hours. Batman looked out of place at a charity event in B&R, because Batman doesn't do that. Batman looks silly fighting during the day, cause he doesn't really do that, either. Batman normally has to hide in the shadows, and scare everybody into thinking he is a bat-creature. Most of the allure and symbolism is lost by coming out during the day. Bruce might as well wear SWAT gear and a ski mask, if he's going to fight during the day. It just humanizes Batman, and makes him look less of a threat.

I mean, I don't know why you wouldn't rather have Batman fighting during the night, and I don't know why you can't understand why some may not like it? What's next, a Catwoman that shows no feline traits to her?  :o   I kid, I kid......

Look, I don't really care. First of all, because it makes sense from a storyline standpoint. The threat requires Batman to solve, not Bruce or Ski-mask man. So if he's anything but Batman, when he uses the Bat equipment (which he'll have to; it's a major super villain), people are going to figure its Batman anyway. He can't crash into a truck with his Lambo and make Bane run away.

And need I remind you that Batman has both fought during the daytime and gone to charity events in the comics? Picking on something not being in the comics when it comes to Batman is almost a beginner's trap, since he's done a lot of things in the comics. A lot of wild, seemingly-out-of-character things.

Batman doesn't look silly fighting during the day--Christian Bale's Batman just looks silly. Don't confuse it. I can't understand why some people are so uptight about tiny things like Batman fighting during the daytime (when there's a very valid reason in the story for that), when compared to Catwoman and Bane, it's not even worth complaining about. Say that fight took place during the night instead? It'd still just be sprinkles on a sh*t sandwich.

I've been a Batman fan potentionally since before you discovered America, I don't really need a lecture in Batman's theatrics. Again, I can't believe I have to defend Christopher Nolan's film, of all things, but there you go. If you knew me, you'd know how wild that is. Maybe that's a sign of how upset you are over nothing. Like I said, there's nothing wrong with Batman fighting during the daytime if the storyline warrants it. And compared to the Nolan series' other glaring problems, is THAT really worth bitching about? And you haven't even seen the film yet-maybe Bruce tries everything he can to avoid going out there as Batman and then it's so bad that he simply must.

Wait to see the film before you judge storyline-related stuff, because the narrative could easily prove things like that wrong. Bane and Catwoman? Yeah, that stuff is set-in-stone as crap. Makes sense to bitch. But for all you know, that scene may be digitally altered to be dusk, or even night. Or maybe it works perfectly in the storyline. Who knows?

Or better yet, don't care. I don't. If you're like me and don't have high hopes for TDKR anyway, why even bother paying attention?
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

"upset over nothing" Christ, for a second there, I thought SHH was bad? Dude, I just stated my opinion of somethings that I don't like, you were the one who pointed it out. I was just trying to flesh out why I thought that, since you've been dismissing it as something so juvenile. Sorry for "trying to lecture you on Batman".

Well, I guess I'll just stick to The Hype.....