Catwoman Revealed

Started by The Dark Knight, Fri, 5 Aug 2011, 08:27

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I think this conversation may be getting a little more heated than it has to. There's no reason to pull out the measuring tape and compare Batwang sizes. We're all fans, we all have our preferences, and there's no harm in discussing them.

Arguments that rely on the premise "Batman has done X or Y in the comics" are largely pointless. Batman fights space aliens in the comics too. He's been written in ways that make him a completely different character from one iteration to the next. Batman & Robin was a mostly faithful film, but it certainly wasn't a good film.

Nolan has a penchant for filming Batman in bright light even when it makes no logical sense. Consider the interrogation scene in TDK. What sense does it make to have the lights come ON while Batman assaults the Joker? Wouldn't it be more appropriate if police couldn't see what he was doing?

Daylight just doesn't suit the character. Even Burton's Batman would be ineffectual during the day.
— Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc. —

Quote from: Travesty on Tue, 16 Aug  2011, 22:07
"upset over nothing" Christ, for a second there, I thought SHH was bad? Dude, I just stated my opinion of somethings that I don't like, you were the one who pointed it out. I was just trying to flesh out why I thought that, since you've been dismissing it as something so juvenile. Sorry for "trying to lecture you on Batman".

Well, I guess I'll just stick to The Hype.....

You don't even know, dude. I was battling the Nolanites there before you even posted on SHH. I'm just trying to get you to realize that the daylight thing isn't worth complaining about considering everything else in his films. Especially since I don't remember a Batman comic where he strictly states "I won't come out in the day, no exceptions." Hell, he goes out in the daytime during the "Justice League" TV series, why not complain about that?

You're the one getting bent out of shape, I'm not heated nor am I fighting. If you're used to SHH, maybe everything looks like a fight, but it isn't. Attitudes of "BATMAN WOULD NEVER DO THIS OR THAT" is SHH thinking. Why get so bent out of shape over a fictional character? Who cares? Only a Sith deals in absolutes. :-P
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

See, this is the thing, you're telling me that my opinion is flat out wrong: end of story. Yet, at the same time, you keep selling this bullsh*t story of how much you don't like Nolan's movies. So apparently, as I'm reading this, I can't have an opinion, regardless of how much I tried to flesh it out, but at the same time, you can have an opinion on what you see fit, and if it doesn't fall into your same mindset, than it's wrong. You say Bale looks silly as Batman, but it apparently blows your mind that I don't like Batman fighting during the day. ::)

Batman did go out at daytime and attended balls, etc. But remember the era and tone in which this behaviour took place. In a dark, gritty atmosphere, sorry, I don't see it. In that setting, Batman is a private individual. Mentally and physically. If there is a shadow cast, he's hiding in it. As I posted before, I think he'd work around a daytime event. And indeed, wait until night to join in for real. And apart from that, Bale's suit or Keaton's suit, I think a black batsuit amongst a sun drenched street is silly regardless. But that's just me.

And as Doc said, this conversation isn't heated at all. It's the debate I'm about. I focus on the key points first and foremost. And if it were heated, there is a real passion from both sides. I'm cool either way. I'm tough enough to take whatever is thrown. I find it funny most of the time.

Wed, 17 Aug 2011, 08:27 #54 Last Edit: Wed, 17 Aug 2011, 08:41 by DocLathropBrown
Quote from: Travesty on Wed, 17 Aug  2011, 03:19
See, this is the thing, you're telling me that my opinion is flat out wrong: end of story. Yet, at the same time, you keep selling this bullsh*t story of how much you don't like Nolan's movies. So apparently, as I'm reading this, I can't have an opinion, regardless of how much I tried to flesh it out, but at the same time, you can have an opinion on what you see fit, and if it doesn't fall into your same mindset, than it's wrong. You say Bale looks silly as Batman, but it apparently blows your mind that I don't like Batman fighting during the day. ::)

::) Oh sir, how I have oppressed you! And certainly! I'm a hidden Nolan lover! Funny that from just a few words you know everything about me. Surely I must be a Nolan lover simply because I don't pick on everything the guy does. You have NO idea who you're talking to in terms of Nolan bashing. I made it a f*cking career at SHH.

It's not like you have a short fuse or anything. It's not like you can't take an opposing opinion. Again, I hate to say it, I really do, but apparently some of the Nolanites you're fighting have a point if this is how you act. You don't help your case when you fly off the handle over someone disagreeing. It's hot tempers and fly-off-the-handle attitudes that make SHH such a sh*thole.

I mean, seriously. You complain about Batman fighting during the day. Fine I guess. Entitled to your thoughts and all that. But when I say I don't think that's problematic, and then start calling you out on your negative attitude to my disagreeing with you, which makes you more rude.... yeah. That actually makes you just like the rest of the SHH ilk.

Knock off the attitude. I'm not oppressing you, nor am I treating you poorly. I can start doing that if you'd like, so you can be correct. I have been reasonable up to this point. Now relax or indeed go back to SHH. I don't think there's anything wrong with Batman fighting during the daytime if it fits into the storyline. You don't seem to care, it seems to me that you're just hell-bent to hate it without any clear reason other than "he doesn't go out in the daytime, ever." And you're entitled to that. Fine. I see no need to be so angry and wound-up over what Batman does in a movie to be angry at someone who does something I wouldn't with the character. Or to shove attitude at someone who argues for it (not that I'm even for it. I'm ambivalent).
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton


For someone who criticizes the SHH mentality, you're sure great at displaying it.

1. You started the negative tone by claiming you know more about Batman than us.
2. You then claim that Travesty started the negative tone.
3. You claim that we have no justification for our opinions, despite repeated explanations.
4. You're derisive toward opinions you don't share.

Those are all chapters out of the "How-to Post on SHH Guidebook".
— Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc. —

I think everyone has a point here. Batman CANNOT allow the criminal element to pose a threat to people in Gotham City. Broad daylight doesn't change that.

HOWEVER, aesthetically it is...more than questionable. I think that Batman, perhaps as a demonstration of his...eccentricities and irritation at the thought being exposed might persuade him to do something akin to his ruination of Oswald Cobblepot, something he did from the safety of the Stygian, light-less, tenebrific, batcave. Although, it must be said, that Ossy wasn't actively posing a threat at the time.

Ultimately, it must be said that day or night Batman is your man. However, it is not a great choice by Nolan and Co.

That's the diplomatic side.

The moderator side says play nice. The jabs from both sides of the aisle are working my nerves. Fresh start. As Mr. Keaton would say, "Shake your dicks, gentlemen, the pissing match is over!"

Wed, 17 Aug 2011, 21:54 #57 Last Edit: Wed, 17 Aug 2011, 22:15 by DocLathropBrown
Quote from: McAllister on Wed, 17 Aug  2011, 16:06

For someone who criticizes the SHH mentality, you're sure great at displaying it.

1. You started the negative tone by claiming you know more about Batman than us.
2. You then claim that Travesty started the negative tone.
3. You claim that we have no justification for our opinions, despite repeated explanations.
4. You're derisive toward opinions you don't share.

Those are all chapters out of the "How-to Post on SHH Guidebook".

Sure, Bill.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

It's understandable to have fears over the look of the movie - opinions are just that...opinions, but as has been stated by others - we don't know the context, we don't know the story.

Wasn't the Sears building stuff shot during the day and altered post? Who's to say the same won't occur here.

Back to Catwoman....oh and this is no SHH.

Reports were accurate- the visor/goggles double as a head-band that become the "cat ears."  They seem to have gone the 1960s series route with the look.  Better than the first pic we got, in my opinion, but what's wrong with giving her a full cowl?
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...