London event with Dave Lea

Started by Paul (ral), Tue, 26 Jul 2011, 12:51

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Tue, 26 Jul 2011, 12:51 Last Edit: Thu, 8 Sep 2011, 14:09 by Paul (ral)
Hi guys,
Dave Lea (fight coordinator and Michael Keaton's stunt double on Batman and Batman Returns) phoned me last night and wanted me to spread the news about an event he is hosting in London.
While the event is mostly a seminar/training session on screen fighting - he also wanted me to know it will have a Batman element for fans that want to attend.

He is excited about meeting and chatting to Bat-fans and will sign photos, etc.

More information will be posted soon, but for now all I can tell you is that it will be in London on Sept 10th and 11th.

Spread the word and if you are interested in going let us know.

That is so cool! Unfortunately I can't attend even if I tried, my sister is getting married on the tenth :) and  :(.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Thu, 11 Aug 2011, 14:47 #2 Last Edit: Thu, 11 Aug 2011, 14:52 by Paul (ral)

While Dave is still busy working out the seminar, he has still sent me details of the event that will have a Batman flavour!

The actual event is a training session for those interested in stunt/screen fighting - most of the seminar will be focused on that. However, Dave is keen to set aside some hours to dedicate to Batman fans.

There will be signed photos on sale, as well as rare photos from the Batman films!

Also, and coolest of all I think, a few lucky people will be able to fight with Dave and have the scene recorded! It will be a reinactment of a fight scene from the Batman films with the lucky few playing the role of Batman. Dave guarantees no-one will get hurt (he is a pro after all) and there will be an added surprise.

More details to come.

The event is on Sept 10 & 11.

Oh and did I mention - if you are a member of this site you will get a reduction on prices for entrance, etc.  :)

I wonder how much a ticket to London costs? Hmmm..... Too bad I'm broke!
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

The event has been put back a couple of weeks due to unforeseen circumstances

i will keep you updated!

We are still waiting on confirmed info on the event but Dave sent me through a little present to a taste of what to expect!

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Tue,  6 Sep  2011, 14:01
We are still waiting on confirmed info on the event but Dave sent me through a little present to a taste of what to expect!

That's an awesome scan Ral.  Do you know what sequence that shot is taken from?

Also, does Dave Lea have any other behind-the-scenes shots he'd be happy to share with us?

Finally, can you give us an idea what the event will involve in terms of a schedule etc?  If it's as Batman-orientated as you've hinted I'll definitely want to try and attend somehow.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Tue,  6 Sep  2011, 22:33That's an awesome scan Ral.  Do you know what sequence that shot is taken from?
I am guessing it is from the Ice Princess rescue "Eat floor" scene.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Tue,  6 Sep  2011, 22:33Also, does Dave Lea have any other behind-the-scenes shots he'd be happy to share with us?
As far as I know others will be at the event.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Tue,  6 Sep  2011, 22:33Finally, can you give us an idea what the event will involve in terms of a schedule etc?  If it's as Batman-orientated as you've hinted I'll definitely want to try and attend somehow.
The event itself is not Batman orientated - it is a fight/stunt training seminar for those wishing to work in the film industry, and as such there will be advice from Dave on screen fighting, auditioning, etc. Those attending that will obviously be getting all of Dave's attention.

The Batman element will be during a few set hours Dave is setting aside.

We should know more during the next few days.

Nice picture of Burton and Lea on the BR set.

We've got to get the others somehow. Can he send them through after the event perhaps?