All those wanting to meet up

Started by Paul (ral), Sun, 4 May 2008, 21:51

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Quote from: batsam on Fri, 14 Nov  2008, 19:48
that would let me see the pictures in less time than getting a used compact canon from ebay and wait for it to arrive by post to take some shots.....ok go buy it good idea!!   :D

does it have a brand name or something ?with a compact canon you can make shots in low light at night of far objects or buildings that the flash wont reach by maximizing aperture size  , night photography for this NY gotham should be more suitable for this NY-Gotham city   :)

anyway if you get the camera you are talking about ,  when you will post pictures of the city ,  post a link of a picture of the cam in front of a mirror  too , i want  to see what it looks like a camera of 20$  :)
surely  it will be better than my nokia camera ....maybe it's a bargain !!who knows , keep us updated

I have to investigate more on the camera. I want to take pictures of the street corner on a dark and cloudy day when I get it so it has some light on the buildings, plus so it matches the tone of the movies!

I also forgot, there is a shopping mall near where I live that reminds me of the Pinewood set with the scaled down buildings. I will include those as well. I will take pictures of the mall at night, as well as the day, because there are more lights in the parking lot that luminate the "set". ;) The street corner with the auto plant in the background might be more difficult to photograph at night because it is too dark and there are almost no lights to luminate it.

The street corner with the theater and old factory definitely look like Burton's Gotham but the mall might just be my imagination. Probably because that's where I first saw the first four Bat-films. I'll just have to show you guys and you can judge for yourselves. TBA! :)

Theres a chemical factory about 4 miles from where I live that looks exactly like Axis Chemicals, ever since I was a kid I always thought thats what it was, maybe someday Ill try to go fall into some green stuff and see what happens there lol.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: DarkVengeance on Sat, 22 Nov  2008, 20:23
Theres a chemical factory about 4 miles from where I live that looks exactly like Axis Chemicals, ever since I was a kid I always thought thats what it was, maybe someday Ill try to go fall into some green stuff and see what happens there lol.!  ;)

"Ill Look into it!"

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.!

yes what about photos?? , even the other guy wanted to post some,didn't  he get the digital camera from the department store yet? :)
we are still waiting ... let us know

Ah, the direct approach. I admire that in a man with a mask

My digi camera got stolen over the summer, and I have yet to have enough cash to purchase another one, with bills piling up, hopefully soon I can take some pics.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

what about the guy named batass  he talked about some shots too . . . .
Ah, the direct approach. I admire that in a man with a mask

Sun, 23 Nov 2008, 23:57 #28 Last Edit: Fri, 20 Nov 2009, 02:19 by batass4880
I don't want to buy the camera because I don't trust the quality of it since the price is very low. Cheap is not necessarily good. I only know three people who own one. Two won't let me borrow them and I'm still begging one for theirs.

I'm seriously broke and can only afford to eat at the moment. I also have a very busy work schedule right now so there goes that. As soon as I can afford one I'll take them and post them. Don't worry batsam, I'm just as excited as you are. Just be patient.  ;)

Tue, 25 Nov 2008, 04:11 #29 Last Edit: Tue, 2 Dec 2008, 05:54 by batass4880
DarkVengeance, how much was your camera that you used to take pictures of your collections? I just want to get an idea of how much a good camera might cost. Also, what type of camera was it? Nokia, Canon, etc.