BR pics

Started by The Dark Knight, Tue, 10 May 2011, 08:41

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Awesome... especially love the pics with Keaton and Basinger.  I wish WB would release all these photos in a book about the making of the movie!

These are fantastic! And just in time for Batman Return's 20th Anniversary!! Great Find Dark KNight!!

Great pics! This one reminds me of 'The Giants of Dr Hugo Strange' from Batman #1. It looks like the giants are attacking the city and Batman's flying in to take them down.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun,  5 Feb  2012, 02:00

Great pics. They SHOULD release a TASCHEN-like book with the Batman films sometime.

"i kinda like this one..."

Great stuff, thanks for the pics.

Sat, 18 Feb 2012, 14:03 #36 Last Edit: Sat, 18 Feb 2012, 14:08 by gordonblu
Not really pics from the movie itself, but an artist named Ohman drew these:

Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Sun, 10 Nov 2013, 16:16 #38 Last Edit: Tue, 12 Nov 2013, 01:36 by Furstmobile
The official Batman Returns Facebook page is a interesting phenomenon. It has signifgantly more "likes" than the 89 page, and Warner is using it much more. The only thing they really did with 89 was advertising the 100 film box set. They've been posting much clearer looking versions of familiar old faded stills we've had to put up with since the time of the beginning.


How do you get to be the guy that posts on the Batman Returns Facebook page? I want access to the vaults. And why not upload every still photo they have (in a modest size at least) on the movie pages at

Mon, 16 Dec 2013, 07:13 #39 Last Edit: Mon, 16 Dec 2013, 07:15 by batmania returns
see my albuns and be my friend!
i love this movie!